Desperate Prayer

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I've tried everything I could think of but it's no use. I'm still much to weak for a host. Or maybe I'm to pure. I don't know. All I'm sure of is that she has three chances to get rid of it and bring back my Samuel. 

I've read and re-read the note over one hundred times. I still can't make any sense of it. That is until my brother William almost rips it in half. "Will!" He rushes through the words on the page and then glances over at me. "What is this garbage my dear sister?" 

William would never use the words dear and sister in the same sentence. A closer look at my brother revels that my assumption was correct. "You're not William!" I go to scream and he clamps his hand over my mouth. "Now now. Can't have any of that can we? I'd be a shame if I had to do something to that beloved mother of yours. Huh?" His eyes turn pitch black as he studies me; all to closely. 

I can't breathe. Whether it's because of the lingering stench of death that protrudes off of him or the fact that I'm panicking at being threatened by a demon that's possessed my only brother. I can't breathe. 

He holds me there for a moment longer and then moves out the door and down he hallway in a speed that clearly shows he's not my brother. 

I'm not religious. Never have been but this make me wish I knew even one prayer. It makes me wish that I'd listened when grandmother would recite them at night. If only I had payed better attention.

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