Present Day

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"Ugh it smells." Why couldn't we have just stayed where we were. It would've been so much better than moving here. Moving to a musty old smelly house built who knows when. Plus it's creepy. 

My mother gives me a pointed look and just shakes her head. Then moves back out the front door to finish gathering our belongings. I sigh and start up the stairs. Might as well go look around this old place. See if the owners left anything cool. 

I walk from empty bedroom to empty bedroom until I come upon the door that looks like it leads to the attic. I try the handle but for some reason it's locked. Ugh. What a boomer. I sigh and make my way back down the stairs. They creak and you have to be careful where you place your feet. 

I end up back in the main living room and cringe on the inside as I look around at the luggage that needs to be hulled up the stairs. I don't want to do this but I don't have a choice.

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