Round 2 (cont.)

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"Oh crap. Looks like she got stronger." Midoriya said as he got his footing down on the damaged terrain.

"Who cares how much stronger she is? All we should care about is taking her down!" Bakugou yelled as he went in full blast.

"Bakugou stop!" Yozora yelled. But he yelled too late.

Bakugou blasted towards Death. But all Death did was look at him and he was blasted all the way back to the group with multiple deep wounds and his other gauntlet was destroyed as well.

"What the hell?! What did she even do?!" Bakugou said as he got up but hissed at the pain all over him.

"She's nothing like she was before." Midoriya said as he charged up to 15%.

"Yozora, let's go." Midoriya said as he and Yozora both dashed into attack.

"Tch, you are a bunch of weaklings." Death said as she flew towards them and blasted fire at them.

They dodged it and tried to punch and kick her at the same time. She just damaged them with her jagged scythe. They flew back but recovered fine.

"I can't lose. I must win. For mom and Yaoyorozu." Yozora said as he looked at Yaoyorozu. He saw the fear in her eyes and he never wanted her to feel like that again.

His eyes went blood red and he transformed into his wolf form. He hopped from rock to rock and tried his best to get to Death.

"Ah that won't work honey." Death said as she looked at Yozora. In an instant, Wolf Yozora had hundreds of scratches and wounds but recovered quickly.

He still ran towards Death and scratched Death with his huge claws.

She flew back a bit but healed quickly.

"Hey that was pretty good. Too bad it didn't work." Death said as she shot fire at Yozora.

He dodged it and changed back. "I wasn't supposed to hit you." Yozora said smiling.

Death was confused. Midoriya was behind her with a look of determination.

"St. Louis Smash!!" Midoriya yelled as he kicked Death across the face and she launched back a few meters.

"OK I WAS PLAYING BEFORE BUT NOW IM MAD!!" Death yelled as she put on her hood. When she put on her hood and you could see a skeleton face with eyes of purple fire.

"THIS IS OVER!!!" Death yelled in a distorted voice. She flew at everyone at high speeds and summoned 2 jagged scythes and breathed fire from her mouth and she swung at everyone and burned them with fire.

At this moment, Death wasn't fighting for her mother's life... she fought to kill. Only causing Death and end the human race.

Everyone was trying their hardest to fight back but Death was faster than anything they've ever fought.

Bakugou was one of the only ones standing. You could see the blood leaving his body but he still needed to fight.

"I... have to... go... beyond." Bakugou said as he tried to control his breath. He aimed his hands at Death.

"Oh for god sake." Death looked at Bakugou and he still got badly damaged but still stood up. "How?!"

"Because... I'm... going..." he controlled his breath. "Plus... Ultra." Bakugou smirked and sent a massive explosion at Death and she flew far while getting badly injured from the explosions.

"I... did... this..." Bakugou winched in pain and fell to the ground.

"For... you" Bakugou used his final breathe to say these words before he passed out

Yozora Ōkami: Journey to be a hero (MHA)Where stories live. Discover now