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I jumped onto my bed and got my phone, looks like he already texted me.

Jm:SoOoOo you home yet?


Jm:Arent you gonna sleep?


Jm:Arent you tired?


Jm:But you're not gonna sleep?


Jm:Wha-Get some rest Jade

J:But my perfect sleeping schedule 🥺

Jm:Fuck that! Everyone has messed up sleeping shit

J:I'm not one of those people

Jm:Jade Cmon, school ended!


Jm:Sleep, then you can eat and teach me cuz I'm dumb then you can eat and go sleep!

J:Sleep eat teach repeat

Jm:😂 lmao yeah

J:I think you'll know it once you understand

Jm:Idk what you're talking about but YES

J:lol pay attention!!

Jm:Sorry Ms Jeon 😭🙏🏻

J:I-..I'm going sleep!

Jm:Good evening nap Jade

J:Good evening nap to you too 🤣

Do I really wanna sleep? Noe "JUNGKOOOOOKKK"I groan rolling around in my bed. "What"He says coming into my room. "Ive been convinced by a friend to sleep but I'm not tired"I say as he raises a brow. "Why did you say by a friend and not their name?"Shit shit shit. You know what. "So Jimin convinced me"I say. "You guys text?"Well no we fucking send telepathic messages!! "I swear you two are dating, I know you are, ADMIT IT"He says as I furrow my brows at him again. "We Aren't dating, I don't have feelings for him you dumbass"I say he rolls his eyes. "You text, he gave you his jacket, he convinces you to get your rest-my job but-you two like each other dont you"He says listing reasons. "No Jungkook-JUST FRIENDS!!"I say making it clear. "Then go sleep~"He says I groan. "I will"I say turning over to face my wall and pulling my blanket over me.

Surprisingly I did fall asleep, knocked out. I woke up to the sound of someone calling me, no FaceTiming me. OOF-"I look like shit"I groan picking up. "No you don't, you look like a very pretty shit"Jimin says laughing as I leaned my phone against the wall and snuggled into the blanket. "Cute shit"He says. "And you can be...stupid shit"I say laughing. "Smart shit"What are we doing with our lives "I'm changing your contact name to cute shit, I'm not lying"He says as I laugh. "What do you want yours to be?"I ask him as I close my eyes. "Student"He says as we both laugh. "Student shit"I say as we laugh before I hear knocking. "WHhaAtTT"I groan. "Who are you on the phone with that you're laughing that much?"It was..

My mom. "jiMiN"I say as her eyes widened. "Hes just a friend-why do yall do this to me"I say fake crying. "Awh..sad shit"He says laughing."I hate you shit"Are we just gonna add shit after everything? "I hate you shit too"He says as my mom leaves due to the weirdness. "I guess it's lesson time"I groan knowing I'd have to get out of bed. "Oop Miss Jeon gonna woop my ass"He says as we both burst out laughing. "Oh god..okay I'll call you back later"I had to get up and stuff. "NoE keEp mE oN ThE CalL"He says as I roll my eyes and hang up. Bam. The stupid shit has left-Anyways since I had to fucking teach the dumbass I had to get up, sadly. I could wear what I was wearing it's fine!~I untied my hair and groaned.

Sitting up I looked around my room. I could connect my phone to my computer and call him there..yeah I'll do that-after I wash my face. Oh fuck I don't need makeup it's just Jimin. If he looks like shit 24/7 then I can look like shit at home. I got out of bed and washed my face with the dreadfully cold water. Aight I'm definitely awake now. I was drying my face when suddenly Jungkook busted into my room furious. "What the fuck is your problem"i say throwing the towel somewhere and leaving the bathroom. "Me?! Whats YOUR problem!"He says. I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly. "Youre so confusing"he was mad obviously but I knew anything he said he wouldn't mean. Hes just in a mood. I found it quite funny. "What are you doing?"He says as I get my phone and sit at my computer.

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