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This chapter has a lot of problems,arguments and um..spelling errors. 😃



. . .

"And that's how I got here"

I sighed and jumped onto the bed,face flat.Fuck life.

"You snuck out?After he said not to?Without telling anyone?"

That's what sneaking out is,it's going out without telling anyone.Even if Jungkook says no.

"Yep,that's what did"

He didn't say I couldn't sneak out,he said I can't go out the house.Different things.

"But he's right,it's dangerous,you shouldn't be here"

Are you being serious?My best saying I shouldn't be here?

"Taehyung cmon!Dont listen to him,I've been in the house for three months"

I should be allowed outside,my cuts are fine,no more bruises and marks.I'm not that scared of blood anymore.I'm fine.

"But-Listen..I'll call Jungkook and tell him I told you to come alright?Then he'll pick you up"

He's gonna tell Jungkook I'm here?!Wow what a friend,can't he tell I'm okay now?

"Taehyung this is my chance to be outside of the house!"

I don't think I'll get another time to do this at this point.He'll figure out where I am and then keep an eye on me.I've got a unwanted bodyguard.

"Jade,it's not safe for you,this is so you can get better"

Get better?Oh don't tell me he's in on the whole ThERapY thing?!

"Okay fine,I'll walk home,I walked here so I'll be fine walking back,I'll be on the call with Felix incase"

Let's act like I'm not gonna go wander somewhere else and out my phone on silent.

"Stay on the call with him okay"

I nod and walk out his room.Damn I'm disappointed as fuck.Never expected Tae to be like that.

I say bye to his parents since they're basically my second parents.And walk out the door to find it's raining.It's heavy rain.

And I'm in a shirt and jeans.No jacket,no hood,not even a long sleeve top.Ripped jeans.

I'm gonna get soaked.Sometimes rain can be good though like..the park!The park looks amazing when it's raining!


Jungkook's POV

Jade has been out for almost three hours.I swear to god she fucking snuck out and might be hurt!Felix doesn't know where she is.Jimin doesn't know where she is.Taehyung said Felix knew because she went to his house at first.Neither of my parents know.No one knows where she is.And no one knows whether she's safe or not.

This is the last time I'm calling her,if she doesn't answer I will drive around all of Busan for fucks sake.



"Jade!Where are you?Are you okay?"

"Um..well uh..I'm at the park.."


"I'm o-okay..-sneeze- Oh sh-"

"You're sick,where are you?"

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