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Jn:Alright so can anyone tell me what a short length wave and long length wave are?

V:Jade!Jade wake-

Jn:Shh,let her sleep

V:Wh-But we're not allowed to sleep in class

Jn:Well in that case Taehyung,would you like to answer the question?


Jn:This is work you should've learnt in grade 7,cmon!

V:I dunno

Jn:You're all in grade 12,you should know this like the back of your hand

Jm:If we learnt it so long ago how're we supposed to know?

Jn:Remember it,now I'll tell you again,everyone remember the ozone layer?


Jn:Thank you Mia,short wave lengths are the ones that hit the ozone layer and reflect back,long wave lengths are the ones that are reflecting back



V:You're sat next to me,don't psst me

Jm:Wake Jade up,she's gonna get in trouble

V:Mr Kim said not to

Jm:Well she's gonna miss out on the lesson and have a breakdown whilst worrying about what she missed


J:Go away..

V:Jade wake up,you're missing the lesson

J:Wh-What did I miss?

V:Ozone layer stuff,the things we learnt in grade 8

J:Oh,I'm going back to sleep

Jm:Mr Kim's gonna kill you!

Jn:Ahem,Sir Seokjin and I said leave her be


Jn:Alright now we'll talk more about the greenhouse method another time,what other topic would anyone like to go over?

?:I dunno,oxidation or something?

Jn:Oxidation,right,turn to page 89 and start reading the left page,take notes


Jn:Yes Yeonjun?

Yj:Why're we learning this again?

Jn:Exams are coming up and since you can't remember simple things I'm going over them again


Jn:Now everyone do your tasks

Jm:Shit,why's he coming here?




Jn:How's everything been?

J:It's been okay

Jn:Did you sleep last night?

J:Yeah,I got didn't count

Jn:Do you know what time it was when you fell asleep?


Jn:Six hours of sleep?

J:Yeah..sorry for sleeping in class

Jn:It's fine,I know you already know these things so you don't need the recap

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