2. So much for walking away

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You were sitting on your recliner watching Mean Girls for the fourth time on your T.V when the doorbell rang. You huffed in disappointment thinking it was the naughty 10 year olds from down the street and swung the door open, expecting no one to be standing outside. But there stood Sam Winchester. Looking more lost than ever. He looked broken and sad and very angry, but not at you and you knew that. You felt bad for him but the Winchester phase of your life was over. You deserved some peace. at least for the next few months. After standing there staring at each other, you dropped your glance and started to close the door but he put up his hand against the door and pushed it open.

"Sam, please..." you pleaded and then looked at him and your heart shattered. Sam was on the verge of crying. Without thinking twice you pulled him in and closed the door behind you.  What is up with this boy? And where's the... dick. The anger in him had dissolved and all you saw before him was a lost boy.

"Dean's dead." His voice cracked. You just felt like you were pushed off of a building.

"What?" you croaked.

"Thought you might want to know," Sam said clearing his throat. You pull him into a hug and he hugs you back so tight that it hurt a little bit. But you gave it to him. "When?" you sobbed into his chest as the tears started streaming down your face. "Last Night." he pulled away.

"Can you come with me to Bobby's? I can't..." he trailed off. You nodded vigorously in agreement as you wiped your tears. You ran up the stairs to your bedroom and opened your duffel. You let out a shaky breath and tears started making their way down your face again. You picked up your back leather jacket again and it sent a shiver running down your spine. You never thought you'd touch it ever again.


Sam didn't say a word as he drove the Impala. You've never been more uncomfortable in your life. The Impala without Dean in it seemed like just any other car and you didn't like that. You were drowning in guilt. You didn't forgive him, you never gave him a chance to apologize. You didn't get to say your goodbye and that killed you. You didn't ask Sam what went down. You didn't want him to relive the pain by telling you how he...

You saw Dean and your knees almost gave away. You looked at Sam in disbelief at the condition of his body. He was torn and ripped from chest to abdomen. Bobby had obviously done his best to clean the wounds but you could almost see his insides. You helped them dress him and you all drove to Pontiac, where Sam knew a place where he could bury Dean. He and Bobby kept arguing about his funeral. Sam said he wanted to bury Dean so that when he brought him back, he'd have his body but Bobby wanted to give him a hunter's funeral. For some reason, they did not talk about the possibility of him becoming a vengeful spirit if you don't cremate him. Little did you know that Dean took a one-way ticket to hell itself. But you were in no condition to ask. The last time you were this silent, you were in John's truck, driving away from your house the night your parents were murdered.


Sam asked you to go with him so that you can hunt together and figure out a way to bring Dean back. But you told him about your plan and how much time you had left. He was shocked and disappointed at the fact that you didn't let him know about this any sooner but he was too tired to say anything. After Sam took off to god knows where Bobby told you everything that went down after you disappeared. Killing Azazel, Sam dying, Dean making a demon deal but only getting one year to live, Lilith and, the hellhounds...

You sat there regretting every single day you spent away from them and every minute you sat in your comfortable little house when you could have been with Dean mending your...friendship. You could have been there for Sam and helped them figure out a way to get Dean out of this mess. But no... you had to bake.

Bobby saw that you had lost a considerable amount of weight compared to the last time he saw you. Your bright rosette brown eyes were now dimmed from all the crying and the fact that you were dying. You were no longer built and were becoming lean. You were growing weaker every passing week. At this point, with all of this stress, you weren't even sure you had 5 months left on your clock.

Even if you regretted walking away from the hunter-life now, there wasn't much you could do... you couldn't afford to puke your guts out or fainting in the middle of a hunt. So you decided to go back to your house and spend the rest of your life on you recliner in front of the T.V, eating pie.

My Winchester - Book 2 - Life and DeathWhere stories live. Discover now