9. Red angel

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Anna Milton. She was some weird psychic girl Alastair has been chasing. She was now under your and the Winchesters' protection. She could hear the 'angel radio'. Some angel chatter that usually only angels could hear. She's been having headaches and seizures occasionally whenever there is something going on among the angels. She seemed very innocent and hurt. You suggested that you could take her to Bobby's. She'd be safest over there. Without telling the boys, you prayed to Castiel, with whom you've grown inexplicably close. There was love, a different kind of bond that you've never experienced before. You felt safe around him. But could you trust him completely? You didn't know. Neither did the brothers.

You prayed to him asking him what to do with Anna and to protect her from Alastair. As soon as you were done praying, Castiel appeared before you and so did Uriel, an inferior to Castiel, but ignorant, unlike him. Your face broke into a smile at which Dean shifted uncomfortably. He did not like your relationship with Castiel. You trusted him more than you should. Castiel never smiled back but his eyes always softened when he saw you or Dean. He seemed a bit reluctant as he asked Dean to hand over Anna. You were confused.

"Cas!..." You stood there you face questioning this 'command' put forth by him.

"She is not as innocent as she seems, Jenna. She has to come with us." Cas stepped forward.

"Hand her over, human." Uriel threatened you.

"Hey! You don't talk to her like that. And Cas, Anna's with us."

"Anna has to die," Cas said bluntly with a blank expression stepping closer to Dean. You couldn't believe this. This was not the Cas you knew. The Castiel that possessed you loved humanity. He valued life. He was warm, gentle, and kind. The thought that Anna could be dangerous crossed your mind but Dean's words echoed through your mind - "You trust him too much." You definitely trusted Dean more than anyone else. So you slowly backed off as the tension in the air grew intense. You slid over to where Anna was hiding and stayed with her. 

"Hey!" you whispered from behind her and she jumped a little with a squeak, her face almost as red as her hair. "Shhh... it's me," you said pulling her down to sit down. "Castiel and Uriel. They are angels. Do you know them, Anna?" He shook her head vigorously, tears starting to stream down her face.

"Hey, it's alright. Sam and Dean. They'll take care of them, alright?" You knew how absurd you sounded. Two men against two all-powerful angels? Anna gave you a ridiculous look and then her face when blank and her mouth was shut to form a thin line. She stayed like that for a few seconds as you sat there, your hands clasping hers as you stared at her not knowing what was going on or what to do. Her head suddenly jerked towards you and her eyes locked with yours.

"Give me something sharp," she sounded eerily steady and calm. "What!" You hissed. The fuck is going on? 

"A knife or something give it to me right now." She sounded robotic and you quickly fumbled your fingers in your pocket and pulled out your swiss army knife. She snatched it from you and cut her left palm. 

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You were freaking out and even though you were whispering it came out as a loud squeak.

"I know exactly what I am doing. This will help with Uriel and Castiel." She said, giving you a cold stare before starting to draw something weird on the door. You watched as she drew some sort of glyph on the door with her blood. She then gave you a reassuring look as she slammed her cut palm onto the center or that glyph. You heard a loud explosion from where the boys were and heard men screaming. You ran back to them and stood there dumbfound and relieved to see that Sam and Dean were okay. You rushed over to Dean and threw yourself over him and hugged him with all your strength but pulled away before it seemed weird.

"Sam," you walked over to him and he hugged you whispering that he was alright too. "We should go to Bobby's," Sam said. "Right now"


"That bitch." You hissed as you walked out of Bobby's with Dean to get extra ammo from the trunk of the Impala. He raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Ruby, she just stood there chewing gum when it all went down." You shook your head as you swore more under your breath. Dean didn't say anything. It was weird. Was it the way I hugged him? Am I being clingy? You quickly grabbed whatever you could from the trunk as walked back without him by your side. I have to get over this. I can't...  You dropped all of it in Bobby's garage and you went into the house from some time alone. You were useless anyway. They didn't need you. If anything you were just extra baggage. You walked over to your room and stood there, taking in the familiar scent of old wood. You plopped onto your bed, tired of everything. It would have been so much easier if you hadn't let Castiel manipulate you into letting him possess you. You would have been dead. Better than alive. You lay down for a while, staring at the ceiling as a few tears ran down your face every few minutes.

Your phone started ringing. It was Sam.

"What?" you asked a bit coldly. "Uhm... where are you?" he sounded uneasy.

"Around" you sounded like Cas now. Fuck him.

"Pamela's here. You might wanna know what's up with Anna." he waited till you responded. After a few moments of silence, you asked. "Too important to talk about over the phone?" 

This time instead of Sam's calm voice it was Dean's angry growl. "Where the hell are you?"

"Just shut up" you snapped and ended the call. You pulled yourself up from the bed and stormed downstairs to Bobby's panic room.

All eyes fell on you as you walked in. Dean stood there glaring at you and you clenched your jaw at him. Sam looked at you all confused and you walked over to him with an apologetic look and pulled him away from the others.


"So, Anna is an angel."

"A what? Anna? wha... how?" you were now eyeing her suspiciously and you caught Ruby's stare but you shook it off. What, that bitch is jealous now? 

"She ripped off her grace and fell. And then she was born as a human. Pamela helped her remember it all..." Sam was rambling now.

"So that's why Cas and asshat wanted us to hand her over..." you nodded with your eyes fixed on Anna. "Could she be trouble?" You had to ask. It has been bothering you for a while now.

"Doesn't seem to be." it was his turn to stare at her. "I'm gonna track her grace and help her get it back. You wanna pitch in?"

"Uh... No. I think I'll stay put." you said shifting uncomfortably looking at Dean who was now studying Anna. You knew what he was thinking. You've seen that look before. It was the same way he looked at hot bartenders.

"Hey" Sam snapped you out of your thoughts. "Don't let whatever you feel for him change you." He said eyeing Dean. "I know he's my brother, but you're like my sister too, so I gotta say this... It doesn't seem worth it. Try letting go." You smiled at him and nodded. He was right... maybe. You then had a small talk with Bobby saying you needed some time-out and went back to your room avoiding Dean, who seemed too busy to even notice that you left.

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