6. The meeting

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Castiel's subconscious mind kept hinting at Dean's presence somewhere nearby and that jerked you awake from the blissful haze you were in, but something still tried to get you sleepy. But that faltered as Castiel used a big power surge to burst open a door to a barn and in the stood Dean Winchester and beside him, Bobby Singer. Their eyes went wide as they saw it was you. Your face showed no emotion. You looked nothing like the weak fragile thing you were the last time they saw you. Assuming it wasn't you, they started shooting you. You tried getting away from the bullets, but your body was under Castiel's control. The bullets hit you but it didn't hurt. You... Well, Castiel kept walking towards them. Dean being himself, felt threatened and grabbed an ancient-looking knife with weird engravings on them.

"Who are you?" his deep and gruff voice made him seem brave and focused but his eyes said otherwise.

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition," Castiel said with a faint innocent smile.

"Yeah? Thanks for that." scared or not, sass never left Dean's side. Castiel's face now held a kinky expression that was hard to read, but Dean had no time for that. He stabbed you in the chest without hesitating.

"No!!!" Bobby yelled as he saw you standing there with the knife buried in your chest. In your head, you were being washed over with surprise, betrayal, fear, and many other emotions. But your body - Castiel - stood there with the same kinky face and a weird smirk as Dean stepped back in shock and confusion. You bled a little but it stopped. Your face showed no signs of pain. Castiel looked down at the knife holding the smirk and then back at Dean. Your face held a confident and arrogant look as your hand pulled the knife out without flinching a bit and dropped it down.

 Dean watched your face in awe as the knife clattered onto the floor. Bobby's feet remained glued to the floor and his jaw was dropped. They exchanged glances that told each other that the woman that stood before them wasn't the Jenna they knew. Suddenly, Bobby swung his shotgun at your head but Castiel blocked him easily without taking your eyes off of Dean and then turned around, still gripping onto Bobby's shotgun.

No no no no... Not Bobby... Don't hurt Bobby. Please, Cas. Your index and middle fingers were placed on his forehead and he collapsed to the ground.

Dean ran over to Bobby as you backed off. He fell on his knees examining Bobby.

"Your friend is alive," Castiel said as he felt Dean's glare.

"Who are you?" he asked again.

"Castiel" your voice exhibited a certain amount of pride as that word left your mouth. It had a soothing effect on you too.

"Yeah, I figured that much. I mean, what are you?"

"I'm an angel of the lord."

Dean's face went blank for a second and then it showed mockery and disgust. "Get the hell out of here." he stood up facing you. "There's no such thing." his body was tense. The sight was melting you. You just wanted to go over, hug him, and tell him it was okay... but Castiel didn't.

"This is your problem Dean," Castiel took a few steps towards him with the naughty smile on his face restored. "You have no faith." even though your face had a weird naughty smile, you sounded robotic....almost lifeless.

Suddenly there was a bright flash of light followed by the sound of thunder crashing. You stood still. But Dean... his eyes fluttered in disbelief as he saw the shadow of Castiel's wings widen behind you as it spread out wide and majestic. It was undeniably the most beautiful thing Dean has ever seen.

You didn't know what Dean was seeing before him. So, a feeling of uncertainty sprouted in your mind as you saw his awestruck face.

His face went from surprised to grim and full of hatred. "Some angel you are. You burned out that poor woman's eyes." What woman? Wait... EYES? What the fuck, Cas?  You realized that you couldn't remember a lot of things that went down after you let Cas possessed you.

Cas sighed "I warned her not to spy on my true form. It can be.... overwhelming to humans." there was regret in your voice but tainted with ignorance. "So can my real voice. But you already knew that."

"You mean the gas station and the motel... that was you talking?" Cas nodded.

"Sweetheart, next time, lower the volume," Dean warned. Isn't the jerk gonna ask where I am? Dean having a casual-ish conversation with Cas was starting to bug you.

"That was my mistake." Cas apologized sincerely. "Certain people - special people - can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong."

"And what visage are you in now, huh? A holy 20-year-old huntress?" he was being rude, all over again.

"This... this is... a vessel," Cas said somewhat proudly, adjusting the trench coat over your body.

"You're possessing Jenna?" Dean's eyes went wide in surprise and then in regret. He had shot and stabbed you without thinking twice. He hurt you again.

"She was sick and dying. She needed this." Dean didn't know Castiel was telling the truth. Him mentioning your illness made Dean think that Castiel was in fact lying.

"Look woman, I'm not buying what you're selling, so who are you really?"

Cas tilted your head in confusion and squinted at him in confusion "I told you."

"Right... and why would an angel... rescue me from hell?" What? Cas resurrected Dean? Why wasn't I told about this?

"Good things do happen, Dean." you stepped closer to him.

"Not in my experience" he sounded fierce and yet awfully sad and hopeless. His voice was almost a whisper and it made you very uncomfortable. You wanted to eject Castiel but you were being ignored right now.

"What's the matter?" You rosette brown eyes searched his candy apple green ones. "You don't think you deserve to be saved!" Castiel said in realization and you lost it. You started screaming in your head, asking Cas to get out and Castiel started feeling a little dazed.

"Why'd you do it?"

"Because God commanded it." Cas glared at him, you now looking like a soldier at war. "Because we have work for you."

Dean was baffled. But he shook it off. "Whatever it is, I won't listen to you until you find some other.... um... vessel."

Castiel sighed. "That can be arranged." Dean was taken aback. He was expecting some sort of resistance. "Jenna is in fact my true vessel. But anyone from her bloodline would suffice." You turned around and walked away from him but stopped midway. "Besides, it is hard to keep her contained and silent when you are around." You turned around to face him. "She is remarkably strong and in control of her mind. Not to mention how protective she is of you." You smiled faintly and then disappeared, leaving behind a dumbstruck Dean and an unconscious Bobby.

My Winchester - Book 2 - Life and DeathWhere stories live. Discover now