8. Back on track

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Things were going back to how they were. But there was something going on between Sam and Dean and you didn't want any part of it. You still felt like you weren't close enough to them to tell you what was going on between them. Maybe it was because of all the time you spent away from the boys. Dean now apologized for almost everything - even if he accidentally stepped on your foot, or nudged you by mistake. Finally, you asked him to cut it out, threatening to ignore him if he doesn't. He apologized one last time and went back to being himself. 

Sam was being shady almost all the time. He was way too focused, yet nervous and unsettled. He gave you and Dean nervous glances as if wondering if you know about some secret of their's or not. The first real hunt you three went on, was after rugaru. Big ugly beast. After that, you three walked into the nearest bar to blow some steam off. To you and Sam it was a couple of drinks. For Dean, it was a few drinks and a hookup.

You and Sam sat at the table, slowly sipping beer in silence. He was lost in his thoughts and your eyes were fixed on Dean and the bartender he was buttering up. A perky blonde with heavy makeup. If she weren't behind the table, one would have easily assumed she was a hooker. You sighed aloud, forgetting Sam was right there in front of you. He followed your gaze and saw the blonde nibbling Dean's ears and scoffed. 

You jolted back and took a swig of your beer and started trying to look anywhere but at Sam.

"Hey! It's not working" Sam chuckled and you dropped your head on the table. "Just tell him you like him. I think he kinda likes you too." You looked up at him with a blank face. 

"He's waaay out of my league," you were a bit drunk now. The drawl in your voice advocated that. 

"Dean? Pffft... You think too highly of him." Sam mocked you and you looked over your shoulder at the bartender who was now on Dean's lap shoving her tongue down his throat.

"Fuck this." you hissed at Sam and stood up storming over to Dean. Sam smiled excitedly. He has been secretly rooting for you guys since day one. But his smile faded as you walked past Dean to another guy, on the seat right next to Dean's.

"Great. Guess, I'll crash in the Impala then." Sam whispered to himself and walked out.

You were determined to get laid today. You weren't dying anymore. There was no point in waiting for Dean to make a move and saving yourself for someone special didn't mean squat in this line of work

"Hey!" you said seductively as you leaned onto the dark blonde green-eyed guy. Even drunk, you were attracted to someone closely resembling Dean. But not pretty enough. You shook the thought away.

"Hey, beautiful," he smirked and scanned your body. "Let me buy you a drink," he turned to call a bartender but you turned his head towards your with your finger and took your face close to him. "How 'bout we get outta here first, hmm?" you hummed close to his face and softly pressed your lips onto his. Meh... This doesn't feel right.

"Hey! Come back, handsome!" you heard the perky bartender squeak behind you but you were too drunk to process what could be going on. 

You pulled away from the kiss and he looked you in the eyes. "Not green enough" you mumbled. Before he could respond, a hand grabbed yours from behind and yanked you away from him. Dean was dragging you out of the bar. It took you a second to realize that Dean had pulled you away from the guy you were kissing and was walking you to the Impala. You couldn't see his face but his shoulders were tense and you knew he was angry for some reason.

"Why did you drag me away from.... from... that guy?" you realized you didn't even know his name. Dean stopped in his tracks and turned around glaring at you. "You can't just go around hooking up with anyone in your sight."

"oh, and you can?"

"Why do you care?"

"Exactly what I was going to ask you." you yanked your arm away from his grasp.

"I don't like it." His jaws clenched.

"And that should bother me because....?" your sass was overloaded.

"Because if you're gonna be spending time with me, you're gonna have to make some sacrifices." he retorted.

"What do us hanging out and hunting have to do with my sex life?" You were angry now. Not only did he ignore your feelings towards almost every day, but he was also asking you not to try and move on? He opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off.

 "No. Shut your mouth. You don't get to act like a jealous boyfriend if you have no intention to love me back." you gave him a shove and stumbled the rest of the way to the Impala, got in, and passed out immediately.

Dean stood there dumbfound. Jealous boyfriend? Am I seriously coming off like that? He was uncomfortable with you hooking up but he didn't know why. He thought maybe it was unnerving because you seemed like his responsibility. He wanted to look out for you. But it was something more than that and he knew that. But he did not encourage that thought. Falling for you would mean losing you at some point and he couldn't afford that.

Hoping that you won't remember anything that went down, he hopped into the Impala beside a snoring Sam and drove to Bobby's.

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