18. Chaos

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Chuck was kind of sweet. He grew on you. But you never let your guard down, because no matter what it kind of seemed like he knew something you all didn't. Somehow you were starting to feel bad for Dean. It's not really his fault, is it? He probably thinks the same about all women and it's not like he has full control over his penis. You hated that you were defending him now. But you still did. He gave you a few calls and you picked them up. Neither of you mentioned the fight and neither of you apologized. And you'd rather have a horny Dean who friend-zones you than a distant one. Pathetic.

You were on Chuck's couch reading a book called To Kill A Mocking Bird when your phone rang. It was from... Cas?


"Jenna?" you could hear him chew.

"Cas, you don't speak with food in your mouth. You could.. well, not die but... anyways why did you call?" you set down your book and eye Chuck. He was invested in typing out the Winchesters' life.

"Jenna, it's me." This wasn't Cas. Jimmy...

"Jimmy?" your voice was almost a whisper.

"Yeah. Care to explain why you seem to like Castiel so much? And what do you call him, Cas? And Jenna, were you sick? Why didn't you tell me? And you don't go to college, you hang out with these... these.. filth," "Hey!" you heard Dean yelling over the phone followed by Jimmy's scoff. "Jenna, you there?" Jimmy asked and all he heard from your side was sobbing.

"Jimmy, boy I missed you so damn much" you voice broke down and he sighed.

"I know, dear. It's alright. I'm back. Castiel is... gone. I don't know where he is but he's not here and I need to go to my family. Tell me, Jenna... How are they?"

"Worried. Dead ass worried. They think you may have died." your sobs subsided as a different worry set over you. Jimmy is back. Good thing. But Cas? And what is Jimmy gonna tell Ameliand Claire?

"Jimmy, you can't go back. You're not safe. You'd even put them in danger if you do. Trust me.."

"Trust you? At this point, I don't trust anyone... Hey, give it back..." his voice faded as you realized that someone snatched his phone from him.

"Jenna, listen to me. You gotta stay there, alright? After we figure some things out, I'll get Jimmy to you." Dean said as Jimmy huffed and puffed behind him.

"Dean, I don't know. Chuck seems alright. Plus he has a friggin archangel perching on his shoulder, he doesn't need me." "I know." he interrupts. "But I do. And uh... so does Sammy and Bobby so you stay there. I want you to be safe... Take care." you're left baffled. You felt the warmth rise up your face and noticed Chuck smirking at you.

"What?" you snapped.

"Love... it's one of God's best projects. Must have worked hard on it" he shook his head and dropped the smile pushing up the glasses on his nose and went back to typing. You swallowed hard. Love. Still seemed a little weird.


Everything was fine. You were worried. But it was fine. Until Dean called. Jimmy was gone. Claire and Amelia left. They know who you are and they don't want any part of it. Jimmy was gone. Castiel has him forever now. Jimmy was gone. And Castiel has changed. You've lost almost everything. All you've got are the brothers and Bobby. And you need them. God knew how much you needed him. Oddly enough so did Chuck. He was there for you. Like a sweet uncle. He said that he'll be fine and he'd be happy to let you crash there whenever you want. You whispered thanks and shook his hand before you left his house. Back to hunting with the boys.

But hunting was not what went down. By the time you reached Bobby's, you could see that both him and Dean were heating up with rage. Having no clue you hade yop pry it out of Bobby because Dean seemed too pissed to even look at you. Fucking demon blood?

"Why didn't any of you tell me?" you turned to Dean and then to Bobby.

"Because you didn't have to know!" Dean yelled at you.

"I've known you for almost 20 years," you pointed at Bobby and then looked back at Dean "and you for almost five goddamn years, and I don't at least get to know what Sam's been up to?"

"No, you don't, because you're not family!" Dean spat and walked out. Yes, it hurt. But this was no time to cry your eyeballs out. But keeping in the tears wasn't easy. You followed him but he wasn't anywhere to be found. Cas probably zapped him somewhere.

"Son of a bitch!" your voice cracked.

"Jenna," Bobby touched your shoulder.

"No offense Bobby, but just shut up" you growled and left him there walking to the Impala. You opened the door and got in.

"Castiel... Castiel I don't know who put a stick up your ass again, but I need you here, now." you sat there blinking. No Cas "Castiel, I pray to you. I need your help. Take me to Dean. Or at least tell me what is happening. Bring him back to me or take me to him." you heard the flutter of wings and there he was with you in the backseat of the Impala.

"Cas, where did you take him?" you almost shouted at him.

"It was not me. It was Zachariah. Dean's time has come."

"The what?" you squealed. "You're gonna kill him?" you could taste the bile on your tongue.

"No. Why would we do that? We need him." Cas tilted his head and squinted past you in confusion.

"What do you need him for?" 

"It is not safe for you to know. It does not have anything to do with you, which makes it dangerous for you to know." Cas was now looming over you protectively.

"Jeez, Cas. You don't come that close to someone." you leaned back grimacing.

"My apologies. Dean did give me advice upon the relevance of personal space among humans." Cas nodded.

"Yeah, well. Good thing. Take it." He smiled and your heart broke. He saw that. He could see right through you. And his smile fell. 

"Jimmy chose this, Jenna. I don't want you to hate me for..." "I don't Cas, really." you cut him off and placed your hand on his knee.

"You're not like the others and I can see that. You like Dean. You like us. All of us. Humans. I can't hate you" you shook your head. "I know you just as much as you know me" you smiled and he gave you one of those rare smiles back, which again fell.


"It's Dean. He is praying to me. I should leave."

"Take me with you" you grabbed his trench coat.

"I will if I am sure none of the angels pose you any threat. I can't... kill my brothers for you. I'd kill anything else that could be dangerous to you, but not my brothers." with those words, he vanished into thin air. Leaving a startled you in the car.

"Well, shit!"

My Winchester - Book 2 - Life and DeathWhere stories live. Discover now