5. Do you believe in Angels?

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Bobby called you after they reached Sioux Falls. Dean literally crawling out of his grave? You couldn't believe it, but it was true. Was there anything he couldn't do? And he was in Hell... Boy, that might have changed him. You were relieved and happy that he was back, but you were also worried. 4 months in hell should have taken a toll on him. He may seem fine now, but you were sure that all of it would catch up with him one day, and it's not gonna be pretty. 

The next morning, a strange noise woke you up. It didn't startle you or scare you. You felt safe when it woke you up, even though it seemed foreign. It was.... someone. You couldn't figure out if it was a man or a woman. The voice was indescribable. You could hear it and understand its words, but not make out where it came from. But somehow, you felt safe.

Jenna... Jenna Ledger. You must wake up, right this instant. You were now wide awake. "What the hell!" you said out aloud. There is no need for such blasphemous words. I come in peace. I can save you, but I might have to ask a favor of you in return. It made you sound so safe and confident that you decided to give in. But you were smart. "What favor?... W-What are you?" I am Castiel. I am an angel of the lord. "An angel?... Okay." you believed it. There was no rational explanation for this, but you believed it.

  I can cure you of this illness. But I will have to have you as my vessel to complete a mission of God first. "What mission?" I can only let you know about his plans if you give me your consent to possess you. "You can't possess me without my consent?" No. No angel can. If there is anything else in return that you need, if reasonable enough, I may provide you with it. He was offering something more than terminating the cancer. You knew what you wanted and you didn't think twice about it and asked him. "You don't have to cure me. You can promise me one thing. No matter where you are or where this mission takes you, Sam and Dean Winchester cannot die, while you are possessing me. You have to promise me their safety." there was a silence on Castiel's side. Sure. I can promise you that. Dean Winchester's safety shall be ensured as long as you are my vessel... But I should let you know of this; as long as you are my vessel - which would be for an indefinite period of time - you will not age. No harm will befall you. Unless of course, I die, but that has no chance of happening in a very long time. When I finally leave you, it may even be decades from now. It is uncertain. These Winchesters you talk about may not even be around when you get to live the rest of your life. It seemed like he was warning you. You were confused. Castiel wanted to possess you but was still considering your wishes and well being first. It was inexplicably polite. And you felt safe.... so safe...it was weird.

"That's alright... Would you mind if I call you Cas? Castiel is an odd name to us humans, and it sort of makes you seem like a stranger." Sure, you may call me that. What do you have to say? Will you let me in? "Knock yourself out," you said agreeing to let him possess you but there was no response or reaction from Cas. All you heard was a dog barking from a distance. "Cas?" Why would I want to render myself unconscious? "What?" You asked me to knock myself out. Cas sounded serious and you didn't get it at first. Then you laughed so hard that you snorted loud enough to wake up the rest of the neighborhood. Castiel does not understand slang.

I apologize if I have said something unfitting to this generation of humanity. I have not been here in quite a few decades... "Cas, I was saying that you can possess me." You cut him... her.. whatever off, getting to the point. Thank you, our arrangement will be honored.

There was a bright light in your room and then you blacked out.


You couldn't see much. You were not in control of your body. It felt like you were covered in warm and soft blankets. It felt like you were being cuddled. Now and then you'd get vague pictures of where you were, or hear yourself speak. Your voice sounded different when Castiel spoke. It was deeper and full of confidence with a tinge of an odd divinity in it. You knew you were wearing a black pantsuit. Castiel picked a blue tie to go with it but chose not to wear it because it did not suit you well. You also wore a trench coat over this. Wait...I don't have a trench coat! Did Cas just buy a trench coat for us?

You could often hear Castiel utter Dean's name. And whenever that happened, you would become alert, but something always tried to keep you calm. It was like you were being drugged. You saw many things through your eyes but you remained unresponsive.... until you saw Dean.

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