15. When it hits you hard

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You opened your eyes and shut it tight immediately. The morning light was too bright for you. But staying in bed wasn't an option. You had work. You both did. You gently took your husband's arm from your waist and climbed out of bed. Before you left the room, you walked over to him and kissed his forehead. Dean looked absolutely gorgeous in the mornings.

You got into the shower and then got dressed up and went downstairs to fix up breakfast and lunch. You both had to leave for work in about half an hour. Dean and you basically had the same posts and salary and worked in the same building but for different companies. You had a very happy life. Just you and your wonderful hubby. Maybe soon enough, there will be a third member to the family too.

"Good mornin', Mrs. Smith!" Dean walked into the kitchen and grabbed his cup of coffee.

"Mornin', honey." you pecked his lips.

"Hmm...bacon and eggs. Me likey." He can be such a child. You loved that man with all your heart.

After breakfast, you both go to work in your silver Prius. The day went well and you both met again in the elevator as your day was over. There was Sam Wesson, an incredibly tall guy in there with them, who was apparently the new hot topic for all the bachelorettes who work with and for you. His long hair had the ladies wrapped around his finger. "Do we know each other?" he suddenly asks you both and you both say that you don't think so. He was a bit socially awkward. He seems like a goofy little brother. You chuckled unnoticeably at this thought.

The next time you three shared an elevator, Wesson looked like he wanted to ask you something. You shifted uncomfortably and hid behind your husband. Suddenly he asked Dean whether he believes in ghosts and demons. Dean looked perplexed and gave him a straight no. He then asks him if he has weird dreams about those. Dean warned him with a look and told him that he over-shares and walked out of the elevator. Before following him, you turned around to Wesson and joked "That man is married to me. Don't get all flirtatious on him."

Wesson stood there fumbling and embarrassed as you walked out trying hard not to giggle.

You fell sick and nauseous that night. You weren't feeling well the next day either, so you decided to take a leave of absence from work.

Dean comes back from work in the evening looking pale. He told you about the guy who was found dead in the office and the figure or illusion...whatever of an old man he saw in the mirror. You comforted him saying it's probably just smoke or his mind playing games or something and went to bed.

You weren't feeling well the next day either and Dean left for work by himself again. You spent the entire day gagging and feeling weak. You were hungry and wanted to eat, but the sight or smell of anything edible would make you feel like puking your guts out. In the evening, he brought Sam Wesson home and they both looked like they've been through hell.

You were shocked to see how familiar they've become with each other just in one or two days and surprisingly, you were comfortable having Wesson around. They both were bickering about some ghosts as you sat at the kitchen counter gaping at them. They then explained to you about the ghost and how Dean swung an iron wrench at it and it disappeared and how well they fought it off. You didn't want to believe them but for some reason, you did.

You helped them with research and found videos on the internet posted by some guys who called themselves the ghostfacers, who hunt these things. For some reason, they perpetually kept insulting and bad-mouthing some Winchester guys but they seemed legit. They found out who was causing the deaths at work and set out to gank it, but you were worried for Dean. But somehow you also knew how important eliminating this ghost is so you let them go.

You couldn't sit at home worrying if your husband and his new friend was going to make it back or not. So you called a cab and reached your office. You were feeling somewhat tired and weak but you three managed to kill the ghost. You three then started talking about how skilled they seemed even though this was their first time fighting away a ghost. Sam said that you three should quit your jobs and hunt full time. Your mind was lost wondering how it would go as Dean explained to him how much of a tough life that can be. You all finally decided to give up this job.

Next morning, you were in Dean's office as Mr. Adler, Dean's boss came in offering him a promotion. Dean respectfully denies it and announces his resignation, saying that both he and you were not meant to live this life. Mr. Adler then touches you both at your foreheads and certain memories that were there vanished and the real ones rushed in. You weren't Mr. and Mrs. Smith. You were Dean Winchester and Jenna Ledger.

Mr. Adler was not any ordinary man but Zachariah, an angel superior to Castiel. He explains to you how you both are destined to be hunters and everything happening to them was bound to happen and there is no running away from it. This hit you somewhere soft. Taking dying as an excuse, you had tried to run away from this life. But Cas came along and here you were back in the business ready to get all bloody again.


You were standing there leaning on the Impala outside the Gas'n'sip waiting for Dean and Sam to come with food and beer.

"Weird thing we had going on there." Dean chuckled as he walked to you offering a beer bottle while he held his in his right hand.

"Totally weird," your voice lacked his enthusiasm. You were just yanked out of your dream world. It was like being captured by a djinn.

"Why? You wanted to stay married to me?" Dean smirked addressing your tone before. He was hoping you'd give away more about your feelings for him... if you had any left in the first place.

"You weren't that bad. You were nice. I've never thought about it though." You stayed neutral not wanting him to know about your existent massive crush on him.

He raised an eyebrow at your comment. "About us?"

"Heh, no. About marriage." You answered a bit nervously but he didn't pick it up. He hummed in light disappointment.

"Was it weird for you?" you asked him abruptly and he looked at you quizzically. "You know... feeling like you were in love with someone? Could you feel it?" You were shocked that your lips were speaking these words.

"I felt it... It wasn't weird then. Feels... kind of odd now. I don't.... feel it anymore. It was there and now it's just... gone." he looked straight ahead lost in thought. It was your turn to hum in disappointment. Only this time, there was hurt too. What you felt when you were Mrs. Jenna Smith was the same before and after the whole drama. Which kind of told you that what you felt for Dean, wasn't a crush anymore. I love him. You shot him a scared glance at Dean, as those words echoed in your head as if you were scared that he'd hear it.

There was a weird sort of tension in the air, but before any of you could acknowledge it, Sam walked out of the store and You all got into the Impala and took off to Bobby's.

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