10. Night moves

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Sam had tracked Anna's grace and found out that it was at Kentucky. He, Dean, Anna, and Ruby left to retrieve it and you hung back. You helped Bobby clean up the place. The man has no regard for house maintenance. You were now at his table, stacking his books on it. Most of them were about angels. Right now, with Cas gone rogue and Anna turning out to be an angel, you all needed to read up on angel lore. Bobby cleared his throat for your attention. You did not budge. You knew that he had noticed how uneasy you've been.

Even you didn't know why you were this disturbed. Dean didn't even do anything wrong and yet you were so mad at him. Why? 'Cause he's not paying attention to me? What have I become? You stood upright letting go of the books and let out a huge sigh.

"Jenna," Bobby came over and sat on his chair. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand and you eyed it longingly. "Want some?" he offered the glass to you. 

"Pass," you went back to assorting the books.

"Look, I've been looking after you since you were a midget. Which you still are, by the way" he chuckled.

"Hey! I'm as tall as I wanna be" you smiled as you threw a crumpled paper at him, which he did not mind dodging.

"The thing is, I can tell when you're upset." he studied your face and you just gave him a blank look. "You got a thing for Dean. I can see it." 

"Mm hmm..." you hummed and grabbed all the books and carried them over to his bookshelf.

"You know I'm here for you, right? Even for the girl talks. Always." you chuckled at this and looked over at him. He pointed at the chair on the other side of the table. You were tired and you needed to vent. And as Bobby said, he was always there for you. It was your little secret. You walked over and dropped into the chair.

"You can see it, huh?..." he nodded. "Then why can't he?" shit was getting real.

"Jenna... I've known you longer and better than anyone else in this whole damn world. And Dean... he doesn't even know his brother all that well, how is he gonna read your stone face?"

You didn't respond to this. He was right. You've never made a move. You've never flirted with him. And you didn't even share long gaze or any of that crap. How was he supposed to know?

"You're right," you huffed. "But I don't know what to do...." you threw you head back and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm no good at love advice." he chuckled "Might as well ask Sam."

You jerked your head back down again. "He asked me to let go." You said softly as it dawned on you. Sam didn't want you to be with Dean. Not because he didn't like you. Because he knew how Dean was with women better than you. "You're like my little sister..." he had said.

"Well, Dean's not really the settling type... if that's what you're looking for." Bobby added to it.

This was it. No one but you wanted you and Dean to be together, and that said something. I'm dumb to be longing for Dean Winchester. If anything, he should be pining for me. You stood up and grabbed the quarter filled whiskey bottle from Bobby's table, gave him a nod, and climbed the stairs to your bedroom, leaving a very worried Bobby by his table.


Whiskey neat wasn't your thing. It was Dean's taste. Pretty sure this is what he tastes like. This and pie. Your face twisted in disgust and you shook the thought away as you took another swig from the bottle. You were standing by your window, looking at all the old cars and trucks spread out around Bobby's house. My old man lives in a junkyard. You laughed a little and shook your head. The boys, demon, and the angel were back. Everyone except Anna was somewhere inside. Pretty sure Sam would have been the only one asking where you were. Or maybe you were overthinking it. Maybe even Sammy doesn't care. They were brothers. How different could they possibly be?

Anna stood out there, leaning on one of the cars next to the Impala. The Impala sure was a sight under the moonlight. An absolute beauty. Your eyes drifted everywhere and would occasionally land on Anna. Something about her was off. Or maybe it's just the fact that she caught Dean's eyes. Then you saw him, walking over to her. You watched as they shared a few words. Hmm, maybe she doesn't have a thing for him. But you knew that was impossible. One look at those beautiful green eyes would knock anyone off their foot. You then saw her kiss him and your breath hitched.

You couldn't hear them talking but you knew where this was going. He then leaned in for another kiss and in no time, they were in the Impala, doing what you've been fantasizing for a couple of years now. You couldn't see what was going on in the Impala, but you couldn't take your eyes off of it. You stood there tightly gripping the bottle and shaking a little bit.

"Jealous much?" you heard the demon bitch from behind you. Your free hand suddenly went for your revolver. "Oh please! You and I both know that's not gonna work on a demon." She smirked and walked over to you and peered at the Impala. "Hmm... kinky. Y'know, Sam and I did it in there once." she smiled naughtily at the car.

"What do you want?" you were too tired to shoot her even just for the heck of it. You just wanted her to get over with the banter and leave.

"What I want is the same thing you want." She turned to you fully and reached for the bottle in your hand which you yanked away from her like a five-year-old. "And I can assure you it isn't alcohol... or Dean Winchester." She gave you a bitchface.

You gave her a menacing look and went back to looking about everywhere except the car.

"What we sisters want, is Anna gone and the angels and Alastair off our asses." This caught your attention. She may be a bitch but she sure as hell had brains.

"I'm listening," you said and suddenly she threw her arm over your shoulders. She came close to you and whispered into your ear. "I'll go to Alastair, and make a deal with him. We give him Anna and he leaves me, you, and our boy toys alone."

You thought for a while. The angles can go fight the demons. You didn't want any part of this. Neither did the boys or Bobby. Well, you didn't know about Dean. Who cares what Dean wants. "What did Sam say?" you needed to be on at least one Winchester's side.

"The idea is Sam's. Why would I throw myself in front of Alastair?" you didn't know what to do. But this seemed like the only way. You didn't care about Anna. She's an angel. Angels are dicks. "He wants your back. His little sister's back." She took her arm from around you and stepped back, now crossing her arms over her chest. 

You gave her a nod of approval and you both walked out with her wearing a satisfied demonic smile on her face. Downstairs, Bobby welcomed you with a beer, which you refused because of all the whisky you had chugged down. Ruby whispered something to Sam and he gave you a pleading yet questioning look and you nodded back reassuringly. After some time, Castiel and Uriel appeared asking for Anna. Ruby was gone and only you, Sam and Bobby were there. Dean walked in with Anna and all the noise got canceled out. All you could focus on was Dean and Anna. They kissed. Again, and you could feel your body going cold. You were too focused on practically glaring at Dean to see Castiel stepping up and placing his palm on your forehead. The last thing you saw was his blue eyes glowing, as you were thrown into your bedroom somehow.


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