16. Biography??

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You were in a comic book store posing as FBI agents for just another regular haunting investigation. You were again the trainee and the boys were the real agents.

"We're agents DeYoung and Shaw and this is our intern special agent Young," Dean trailed off as the guy at the counter started laughing.

"You guys and your LARPing. I'm not judging. I mean I like it but I'm getting kind of tired." He went back to typing on his computer as you three stood there passing confused looks.

"Larping?" Dean mouthed to you and you shrugged.

"We'd like to ask you a few questions about..."

"Hey, cut it out, alright?" he cut Sam off. "The cheap FBI suits, the fake badges, and the rock aliases... You're trying to be those guys and that gal from that book uh... supernatural, aren't you? That one where they hunt ghosts, demons, vampires. What were their names? uh.. Steve, Dirk and uh... Jenny?

"Sam, Dean, and Jenna?" Sam cut in and he nodded. Your eyes caught a set of books stacked together and you walked over to it.

"You're saying this is a book?" Dean asked.

"Books. It was a series. Didn't sell a lot of copies, though. Kind of had more of an underground cult following. I'll show you...Oh wait, looks like your little friend found it."

You turned around your mouth dropped open and you waved the book in your hand at the boys. They came over and Dean tried to take it from you. "Hey! get your own book, you ass."

"Nerd," he mumbled smiling and grabbed a random one.


There wasn't anything much about you in the books you read. Dean was holding onto one particular book. He stayed in baby and shooed you and Sam out.

"There's probably some sex in it." Sam chuckled. "You better hope it ain't yours, " you elbowed his ribs laughing.

But it wasn't sex. That book was about the night you left them and what you went through after that. that whole book was about you. Every other book was mainly about the Winchesters and you were only mentioned occasionally. But this book... this one was your story. A book filled with pain, loss, regret, and loneliness. Every flip of a page ripped a piece of Dean's heart. 

It began with him hurting you and ended with you spending your last days baking. He never thought of how you would have felt when he stabbed you with the demon knife without thinking twice. Now that he read how you were on the inside, he was pretty sure you were broken when he stabbed you when you were Castiel's vessel. He saw how soft you were on the inside even though you acted like a stone-cold woman on the outside. He saw how you thought it was your fault that they didn't talk for months. 

It was the least sold book, of course. But no one would ever understand how much this one book hurt Dean.


Carver Edlund. No. Chuck Shurley. You wanted to talk to that asshole. The things he's written about you in the books... he was invading your privacy and you wanted him to know you were pissed. But what he wrote about you was nothing compared to what he wrote about Sam and Dean.

You went over to his house and found a squirrely guy who looked sort of adorable. He had a squeaky voice and seemed like a phony guy. Sam and Dean kept on interrogating Chuck while you only gave him death glares. You were looking for his unpublished works. He couldn't have stopped with "No Rest For The Wicked".

"Huh..." you huffed as you came across a closed door and you opened it. "Damn it" you shut it and walked back to them.

"Get up" You stared Chuck down.

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