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i'm sorry for the long waits:/
i really am and i know i keep saying i won't slack and i do.
i really am sorry tho i just get so busy and hesitate writing bc i feel like the story sounds bad and i just want it to sound good.
my goal is for this book to have 500k reads by the end of the year. let's make it happen!:)<3

y/n pov:

alejandro came into my room with news.
i was wondering what he was going to say until melanie walked in.

m: your dad let me in
a: oh
m: did you forget?
a: forget what?
m: ale seriously
a: mel what?
m: we were supposed to go to the movies
a: oh shit i forgot i'm sorry hold on let me get a hoodie
he got up
y/n: wait hello
a: i got to go
y/n: ale!

he just waved and left my room.
i sat there like wtf.
i just layed in my bed and started watching tv until my phone kept going off.

"what's wrong love"

"can we hangout?"


"y/n did i do something?"

i didn't feel like replying so i just let my phone keep going off. no one was home. it was just me and my dog, chillin. he was laying down next to my bed sleeping.

i got up and i went to walk to starbucks which was like twenty minutes away. it was such a dreadful and cold walk and yes i am getting starbucks. AGAIN.
i went to order.

y/n: hi can i just get a grande caramel macchiato with light ice.
barista: yeah sure anything else?
y/n: uhh i'll get a strawberry muffin
barista: okay will that be all
y/n: yeah
barista: your total is 6.50

i paid and sat down. i pulled out my notebook and laptop so i could do my part of the project me and kai were assigned too. as i was working i heard a chair pull out in front of me. i was sitting on a eh medium sized table and i see someone sit down in front of me. i looked up confused.

?: mind if i sit
y/n: uh i guess not
?: ok cool

i just looked at him weirdly.
he did the same.

y/n: there's like other empty tables i don't understand.
?: i don't like to be alone
?: so you new around here?
y/n: yeah sure
?: never seen you before
y/n: me either
?: so you always look this good
y/n: uh bye
?: oh come on i'm just making conversation
y/n: ...
?: you look stuck
y/n: yeah stupid project
?: what's it about
y/n: World war two
?: ah history, believe it or not i'm very good at history.
y/n: i'm fine i got it
?: you sure you don't need any help
he got up and stood next to me, looking at my computer. i was typing and he moved my hand and started typing.
y/n: what the hell why'd you delete my stuff.
?: because it was wrong
y/n: i really have to go
?: alright if you say so

i left and started walking home. i felt so weird.
i went back home and showered. i made spaghetti, enough for my family. for whenever they come home. it was already 4pm so i'm not sure when they'd be back. i sat in the living room watching hulu.

2 hours later*

i heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. i saw ale and melanie.
y/n: oh hey guys
a: yoo, mels gonna stay for a little while her cousins here
y/n: yeah yeah it's whatever uh there's spaghetti in the kitchen if you want
a: cool thanks but i already ate
y/n: ok

my brothers bsf😳🦋 - mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now