Chapter 1

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The man felt dizzy and heard ringing in his ears. He opened his eyes slowly and noticed that outside worls was already bright and clear, but then he realised that he didn't even know what to expect. He was looking out the big window at the birds flying up high on blue sky, laying still in some bed, he didn't recognize.

He started to move his head around, causing its pain, then he moved his hand to his face and noticed some things attached to the palm: injected PVC connected to the IV. He turned his head onto his right, where he saw a hospital curtain, separating him from the rest of the world. He tried to remember why he got himself in such a situation, but it caused nothingmore more than harder headache.

He decided to speak, but his throat was completely dry. He gave a try to clear gorge, but he failed. Then he attempted to lift up and lean on his forearms, but they were weak, so he hit bed again, finally making some noise. He heard a voice, coming from the side.

'Oh, honey, I think someone moved there.' It was an elderly voice.

'We shouldn't care.' The female voice, younger, answered. The man struggling to get anyone's attention squinted his eyes for such a response. He moved his head to look at that side, from which he heard the conversation. Under the curtain some feet could be seen, but that's all.

'They moved him here two days ago and he didn't move. Maybe he woke up. Go for someone.' The male voice insisted. The mute patient smiled, thanking for this man. But on the other hand: did this person just said two days ago? For how long was he laying there?

The woman sighed, but didn't say anything, instead she stood up and apparently walked out, as the steps were becoming faint and the door being shut could be heard.

The man looked in front of him, waiting for the help to come. There was a wall and on it he noticed the calendar. He couldn't see it clearly, but he saw number pointing that it was September, probably beginning of it, because the pointer was in the first row. Should it frighten him? He... didn't know, but he did feel as it was something weird.

Suddenly a female voice could be heard again, as the room door opened. He caught only part of the sentence said earlier, but rest was understandable.

'...ry, but dad heard something coming from the patient beside, and he wanted to check if everything is alright...' She said.

A new, kind of nasal, male voice answered harshly. 'Then you could've called for the nurse.'

'Yes, yes...' She answered awkwardly.

The curtain suddenly opened up. The doctor in his white gown stood at the end of the bed looking at his patient. The lady, in her forties gasped as she saw him. She sat on her father's bed, lurking at the mysterious neighbour. She didn't she him earlier, because usually his bed was all hidden behind the curtains. The doctor shoved her to the side and put back the screening.

But the lady noticed: the young man lying on the bed had features of someone, who could easily drag one's attention. His hair, now long enough to shoulder length and messy, were naturally dark and slightly curly, so few strands was hitting his face. His jaw, more oval in shape, was covered with stubble, he also had a few bruises and small cuts that contrasted with his fair complexion. Beside those features his skin was clear and healthy. He looked no older, than 20 years old. His eyes were sharp, upturned and black as a coal. He didn't have any dark circles nor his eyes were swollen. They fit in the face pretty well, even though they weren't big. His nose was more of a round, but not disturbing enough to destroy the proportions of his beauty. His lips were rather thin, but the cupid's bow had a firm line, highlighting his upper lip over the lower one.

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