Chapter 13

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Tony's POV

We arrived at the compound after an hour flight. Jessica and Harley, in his suit that was red like mine, were flying right behind me. Well, Jessica was flying right behind me. Since Harley never flew the iron-suit before, Jessica had to spend the whole flight guiding/carrying him. I had to carry Peter since his new suit wasn't ready yet.

When we got to the compound, we noticed a large ship with asgardians exiting out. We also saw a rock giant thing with a giant ant? Honestly, I've seen many things to the point where I shouldn't be surprised anymore. We all landed in front of the compound to 'welcome' our visitors.

"Man of Iron! It's good to see you again", Thor shouted loudly.

"It's nice to see you too, Point Break"

"Hi, Tony", Bruce said.

"Science Bro, it's been awhile, hasn't it?"

"Yes, it has, Tony"

"Anyways, does someone want to explain to me what's going on here?"

"Asgard was destroyed, Friend Tony"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear there. Do you need a place to stay for awhile?"

"There's no need, Friend Stark, we're going to build New Asgard in Norway"

"Well, that's great to hear"

"Umm, I'd hate to ruin this moment for the third time today, but am I the only one who's concerned that the same person who tried to take over Earth and tried to kill the Avengers is standing a few feet away from us?", Jessica said. I rolled my eyes at her, but she did have a point though.

"Yeah, Thor. Why is he here? He's not going to try to kill us, is he?"

"Ease your worries, Stark. Loki had changed. I can assure you that he won't try to kill you"

"Right, ok. I'll believe when I see it. Anyways, welcome back to the compound. You can all stay here if you want until you're ready to finish your trip to Norway"

"Thank you, Friend Stark. We'll appreciate it very much"

Jessica's POV

The asgardians were resting up all over the compound. It seemed like they have been through a lot on Asgard, but I have no intention of asking. Tony was busy informing Bruce and Thor about everything that happened after they disappeared. I was sitting with Harley and Peter in a different room, talking about the team and other random things until Loki walked into the room.

"Hello, midgardian children"

"Umm, hello, Mr. Loki. What do you need?", Peter asked politely.

"Well, Thor thought it would be best if I met people in my age group. He hopes it will make me more comfortable on Earth"

"Wait, how old are you exactly?"

"1,054 years old"

"I think she meant in human, or as you would call us, midgardian years, Trickster", Harley said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, then I would say 17-18 years old"

"Wait, you're 17 or 18 years old?"


"Ok, if the Battle of New York happened in 2012 and this year is 2016, and you're 17 or 18 years old, then that means you mean to tell us that you were 13 or 14 when you attacked Earth?"

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