how dom h and mia celebrated valentine's day

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Anonymous asked:

How did Valentine's go for Mia and harry when they were still in a sub/dom relationship? I know harry was reserved and very dom so I was just wondering if they ever actually did anything for Valentine's since it's a day for couples and not necessarily what they were? And how did they spend their first v day as an actual couple? Thanks!!


Mia's very cautious about this whole "Valentine's" thing because from the few months she's known Harry, just as a person, she knows he's not all about the festivity surrounding love. As the day grows nearer, he makes no move to mention it or even tell her what his plans are for that specific week because he's still in London where's he's been since her spring semester started. Give or take, it's been about a month since she's seen him, however nearly daily facetime sessions and phone calls fill the void she's missing. Still, the week of the holiday arrives and there's no word from Harry if he's coming to Manhattan again.

Usually she'd ask, however his initial plans late last year in December were purely due to the relentless pestering she'd put him through from her side. He'd taken Christmas week off, but she'd convinced him (forcefully) to stay an extra two weeks. Granted, he spent some time talking to him father about his abrupt leave, however he eventually gave in. It was also because she refused to let him get up the morning he had his flight, sitting on his back because he slept on his stomach, tugging on his hair when he tried to get out of bed.

There's four days left until Valentine's Day, and her suspicions about him thinking nothing of this bogus holiday are confirmed when she slyly mentions her roommate's plans for the day. She's sitting in her pajamas on her bed, knees pulled up to her chest, her head laid down on her knees watching Harry dress for work considering it's pretty early there, but it's also nearing 2 am here.

He's not in the frame right now, buried in his closet, but he can hear her.

"So, my roommate's boyfriend is coming over on Valentine's Day," she starts after the conversation ends about her exams coming up. She was hoping he'd offer to fly over and help destress her, but all he gave her was a sad face and a lecture of excellency. "I fear they may fornicate in my bed."

She hears him chuckle. "What makes you think that?"

"Because she said she doesn't have clean sheets and he's kind of a freak about cleaning. Sort of like you."

He returns to the frame and raises a brow. He's pantless, clad in just tight black boxers and an unbuttoned shirt. There's no way she's looking at his face. "That's not true. I'm reasonable with it. Not my fault I've got a messy sub."

She pouts, crossing her legs and pushing her glasses up her nose. He smirks and walks off.

"A sub who you haven't seen in almost a month," she adds, shrugging.

"Also not my fault."

"I didn't say it was."

"You were insinuating it."


He returns again with a simple black tie around his neck, still pantless. "So while they're gone, what will you do?" His laptop is perched on his bed so he has to bend down to look at her properly. She enjoys the view.

"I've been meaning to go to this bookstore. I'm gonna write my final on Ernest Hemingway."

"Why? Wasn't he a shit person?"

"Yes," she pauses to push her glasses up again, "but I'm not writing about him. I'm writing about the author."

"Aren't they the same person?"

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