CHAPTER 5: Not exactly sinful

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I waited in the faculty office for Mallory. My instructor, role model, advisor, and hopefully soon becomes my publisher. I sat there with chills in my body. What is it with faculty offices and their obsession with cold air conditions? Minutes later, the door was casted open and Mallory Sanders practically strode in. Only she can do that. "Lauren." She greeted me. "Sorry I'm late. I had to drive back here in the city this afternoon."

"I hope I'm not bothering you." I said quietly. Taking the seat she offered. "Not at all. I wanted to talk to you actually. About your book." She sat behind her table once she removed her coat. "I have to say.." I waited in agony till she gets settled. "That was better than the last paper you sent me." She smiles. Mallory is hard to please. So earning a smile from her means a lot to me. "Gary." She says. The name of the main character of the "novel" I'm doing. "Yes?" Expecting her to say more. "Is an intriguing character. Although something is still missing. Between chapter 10 and 13 I mean. I don't know exactly what that is. But I'll let you figure that out yourself. You're good at that."

I took that as a compliment. "And as I said before, once the book is finalized and ready, I'll be the one taking care of your editor. I have friends, you know." A twinkle in her eyes. She has helped me so much throughout college. I cannot let her down. Sure the pressure is on and probably will drive me crazy later today. But this is progress. And I'm quite satisfied with myself. I nodded in appreciation. "I'll be sending you more on Wednesday."

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear." I left her office with a grin on my face. The sun is setting in the most perfect way. I took a breath once I stepped outside the building. Feeling the warmth of the summer breeze. I see James waiting in his car. Could this day get any better?

"By that gorgeous smile of yours, I'm assuming meeting with Mallory went okay?" He asked once we locked our fingers together. "More than okay." I said melting into the sun. "You deserve a treat."

"Where are you taking me?" I opened the door to his car. And my usual spot in the front has been replaced by an old computer set. With bulky CPU and monitors and all. "I hope you don't mind. Dad asked me to deliver this to a colleague of his. It's more secured if it stayed here in the front. You wouldn't mind taking the back seat?" I took the seat in the back before he could finish what he was saying. "I don't mind. See? Perfectly comfortable back here." I smiled at him. "Good." God, he looks handsome. He then takes the steering wheel after a sweet peck in my cheeks. "Because I need to pick my sister up from the cafe first." He says as the car started to hum. So the day could get better. I thought to myself.


I stare at Amber and Franz' little make out session just right outside the Pink Bean. Wondering what it feels like having someone to touch. To hold. "They're sickening, aren't they?" Ben pulled me from my thoughts. "It's because they're perfect for each other." I added. "Yeah." He sighed. "They look genuinely happy. That's why I hate it." He chuckles. Much like me, Ben is never successful in the dating department either. But that's not the only thing we have in common. We both like girls. He doesn't know, though. That every time he asks me if that girl is pretty, I'm not just saying it.

The familiar sound of James' car approached so I high fived him a good bye. I made my way to the car and opened the door to see Lauren in the backseat. I hesitated. "You two have met, right?" James said in his shoulders. What the hell. I'm not walking back home. I got in and shut the door behind me.

The driver turned the radio on. Lauren shifted to me. "How was your day today, Mia?" She smiles. What is it with that smile? I rearranged my white cap. "It was okay. I guess?" James decided to jump in. "Didn't you had that speech today?" His eyes finding mine through the mirror. "What's the speech about?" Lauren's eyebrows lifted. "Well it's a debate. Actually." She waited for an explanation. So I did. "About Gender Equality. The use of preferred pronoun of an individual." She nodded. Seems to be taking this in. "And.. what are your pronouns? If you don't mind me asking." Her face full of curiosity. It was kind of cute. "She/her." I simply replied.

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