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~You're such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms
With your cherry lips and golden curls
You could make grown men gasp
When you'd go walking past them~

double take

I love my mother, I truly do but the fact she is always forcing me to keep up appearances is really starting to get to me. I wish there could be a moment in time when I can just relax and make friends my own way.

I expected to see Summer while I was home, seeing as I assumed she would be here since sue didn't go to Hogwarts but that isn't going according to plan.

"Her family is busy. Besides I don't think she came home from school," My mother continued scurrying through the RSVP's to our big Christmas party. We didn't have it last year since the loss of my father so many people are excited for this year's.

"School? What school?" I question, pretending to help. Honestly I was just opening the envelopes and handing them to her but she was to preoccupied to notice.

"Beauxbaton. Can we have this conversation another time, Evangelina? I am obviously very busy right now," She motions to the stacks and stacks of unopened envelopes but I continue prodding on.

"Beauxbaton? She can barely speak French. What are they doing sending her there?" I question and hand her another envelope I had just cut open.

"Eva. Please not now," She groans and places both hands on the counter, leaning towards me slightly.

"Okay, okay," I hold my hands up in defense and start swiveling around in my chair.

"I just don't get why they decided against Hogwarts. I mean you and dad and her parents went there," I make a full spin in my chair before slamming my hands on the table to stop myself.

"We talked about it since we were kids you know? I always thought it would be me and her and she-"

"Don't you want to go up in the attic and help Horpey gather what we need to decorate the house?" My mother interrupts me and I groan before melting dramatically out of my chair. I really hate going up in the attic and she knows it but obviously she's sick of me 'helping her' down here.

I start to walk towards the huge white marble bifurcated staircase but stop about halfway up when I see Horpey levitating a few boxes down the open attic hatch. He turns his head towards me when he realizes I'm standing near him.

"Hello, Miss! Only a few more containers and we can start," He smiles warmly at me and I smile back. I always thought of Horpey as a sort of friend since I was little. He has always helped me when I needed it so I honestly had a lot of love for him. He is family.

"Need an extra set of hands with anything?" I question and lean against the railing. He gently sets the piles of boxes and containers on the marble floor at the top of the stairs and shakes his head.

"No, no. You can start opening boxes if you would like? It may take less time," He suggests and I nod quickly, climbing the rest of the steps and sitting down beside a small stack of large boxes. I had taken the letter opener from downstairs and didn't realize it but it worked out in my favor. My hands wont be all cut up and uncomfortable from ripping open cardboard and tape.

The first box I opened was filled with dark green garland imbedded with lights. I immediately recognized it as the decoration we put around our railings of stairs.

I reach the last box and quickly tear it open but my heart drops when I notice what is inside. Sitting in front of me were our family Christmas stockings. I place my hand on top and run my fingertips over the soft fabric.

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