1 | 5 | Reckless Gryffindorks

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JanuaryIn the common room, Daphne was brushing out her hair before she let Draco walk her to the Great Hall

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In the common room, Daphne was brushing out her hair before she let Draco walk her to the Great Hall.

"Isn't it funny how Granger suddenly became best friends with the Boy Who Lived and his Weasel friend?" She scoffed, tugging at a particular nasty knot.

Lisa flipped through a catalog Blaise lent her. "Hilarious." She squinted at the papers. "They have perfume that costs 75 galleons?!"

"You must be looking at the cheaper side," Daphne replied, then continued her rant about the Muggle-born. "That Mudblood acts like she's better at magic than everyone. You're twenty times more powerful."

Lisa and Daphne shared a smirk. Granger could flaunt all she wanted about her knowledge, but Lisa had been taught all her life about magic by the world's greatest professor. Who was Granger to be acting like she knew more than a Hogwarts teacher?

"Let her be ignorant," Lisa decided, snickering. "But it would be fun dueling her."

"Truly!" Daphne tilted her head back and laughed just thinking about the image. "Just imagine how quickly that smirk would wipe off her face!"

Draco entered the common room wearing his House robes and gelled back hair. "What are you two lovely ladies laughing about?"

"Granger," Pansy spat. Lisa and Daphne had forgotten she was even in the room... meaning she certainly wasn't in the conversation at all.

"Granger?" Draco sat beside Daphne and rolled his eyes.

"What, you don't think she's smart?" Daphne asked. Lisa saw a layer of concern in her eyes. She was just making sure Draco hadn't fallen for the intelligent Muggle-born.

"Smart?" Draco growled. "She couldn't tell between a toad and an owl. She's not smart."

Although Lisa and Daphne plainly disagreed, Lisa could tell how happy that response made Daphne.

Pansy changed the subject. "What about that Penny girl, Draco? The one in her third year?"

"Pansy, don't be ridiculous," Daphne murmured.

"Penny? Never heard of her."

"Draco," Lisa laughed, watching the girl, Penny, pack up her things with a scowl. "She helps your mother decorate for the Christmas parties. You know Penny."

Daphne chuckled darkly. "Penny's the equivalent of a house elf," she said at the girl's back. "She can be helpful but she's way down on our list of priorities."

"Who's on the top of the list?" Lisa teased.

"Me!" Draco cut in, earning a laugh from Daphne and a glare from Pansy.

~ * ~ *
"The what Potion?" Weasley exclaimed during Potions. Daphne rolled her eyes viciously, muttering about how much of an incompetent fool Weasley is.

Severus did not hold back a snarl. "Wiggenweld Potion, Mister Weasley and five points for speaking out in class. Haven't you learned from last week? Note that next time there will be severe consequences for your misbehavior."

Daphne snickered loudly, to which Severus paid no mind. He continued his lecture about the Potion that he knew Lisa can already brew. Her excitement didn't falter one bit even after he snapped venomously at Weasley.

"You have thirty minutes. Start."

Immediately Lisa went to gather her ingredients, dried Nettles, snake fangs, stewed horn slugs, porcupine quills, and Flobberworm Mucus. However, when she went for the Flobberworm Mucus she saw Granger getting to it first and remembered Severus talking about insufferable pests, "If they grab the ingredients first, they have the upper hand."

She sprinted to the mucus, filled a vial while intentionally getting in the way of Granger and sauntered back to her table. Daphne, who had seen Granger's seething look, used a tripping charm just to be sure.

Granger fell backward into an already annoyed Severus, who growled furiously. "One more time, Miss Granger. You and your friends already have it set out to make this class miserable."

She blushed in embarrassment, glaring at Daphne who laughed in return.

Lisa snorted. "Alright, just because of that I'll let you copy from me."

"Psst! Lisa!" Harry called from a table away. She met his eyes, signaling for him to hurry up. "Are the Nettles supposed to be dry? It doesn't say!"

"Cheating is not going to cut it, Mister Potter," Severus announced. The Slytherin students didn't hide their smirks. All three of the famous Gryffindors had already irritated Severus before class ended.

Behind Severus's back, Lisa nodded to Harry. He thanked her silently and went back to work.

"'Clearly fame isn't everything'," Daphne murmured, smirking to herself. "I'm surprised he doesn't manage to make as much of a mess as that other first year."


Daphne's eyes swiveled around as she locked eyes with the Gryffindor. She flashed a charming smile and a flirtatious wave. Surprised at the attention from a pretty girl, he accidentally put in the wrong ingredient. While he was distracted, she announced, "Three... Two... One."

His cauldron blew up into his face, earning the attention of all of the students. Everyone went silent, and Daphne was the first to break out into a mocking laughter. Lisa joined in, unable to contain her fits of giggles at the sight of his blown hair and his ashy face.

He slammed down his horned slugs and crossed his arm while Severus yelled at him to cut this out. Lisa actually began to feel bad... for her father. After all, he had to deal with reckless Gryffindors all the time.

After class, Weasley made it a point to snarl at Lisa as she passes. "What is it, Ronnie Wonnie?" She taunted. "Did a few of your Gryffindorks get in trouble by my father?"

"It's you who tripped Hermione and you who got Harry in trouble!"

"It was me who caused the tripping hex, genius," Daphne snapped. "And Potter did that all on his own."

"I can't help that all of you reckless Gryffindors get yourselves in trouble," Lisa growled, feeling herself get angry at Weasley for accusing her. If they were going to be stupid, they might as well take the blame.

At that moment, Harry walked out but it was clear he heard Lisa's words. She continued to glare at Weasley. "It's not my fault that all three of you solely caused Gryffindor to be in fourth place for the House Cup."

Harry's eyes darkened. "Come on, guys, let's get out of here." Hermione made a face at Daphne and Lisa, then followed her friends to their next class.

Lisa couldn't help but feel bad that she hurt Harry, but the Weasel was being ridiculous. If he was always like this, why should she get the blame for it?

"Let's go, Lisa," Daphne muttered as the rest of their friends walked out, including Draco- who unfortunately did not get a chance to insult the red-head.

"What happened?" He asked immediately, concern yet a promise to hurt anyone who did them wrong laced in his eyes.

"We'll tell you on the way," Lisa muttered, grabbing her things and leading them up the stairs.

~ * ~ *
Published 11-4-20

Favorite season and why?

Winter because it is cozy and has a cool holiday and is nostalgic and snow is pretty and goth girl winter!! I feel at my peak

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