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"Because that's the thing about broken girls they go on to become mighty woman,"

Screams escaped The Black Swan's mouth as the men grabbed her harshly by the hair and shoulders. They dragged her from the safety of her corner into the middle of the room, exposed and vulnerable.  

Through her violent fighting, they managed to throw a cleaner shirt over her body and then left once again with a few bruises of their own. They had never bothered to give her fresh clothes because to them she was just a machine. She had stopped screaming once they left her alone and instead she began to just sob through pain and hatred. She didn't even jump when the door slammed shut but only kept her eyes shut and continued crying too sad to notice the figure that entered the room after the guards.

The Winter Soldier sat behind with curiosity in his eyes as she continued to weep oblivious to his presence. He didn't really know what to do. She was very frail for a 20-year-old but that was probably because of how badly she had been treated. 

He tried to look past the dirt and blood to figure out what she looked like from his position. She looked like she had big eyes, but he hadn't seen the colour and she had brown hair that was almost red in the light.

He was so caught up in his thoughts when he saw the girl looking up at him. He was worried she was going to do something, and yet she didn't. She just gazed at him like she was trying to read him.

The soldier finally got to see her eyes. 


She kept waiting for something to happen. She wasn't exactly sure what, but she knew something was going to happen to her, it always did. The man was going to do something and she had to be ready. 

Yet the man in the chair still did not move. 

After an hour at least the girl got tired of trying to read him and got up to walk around still keeping her eye on the man. There was the chair the man was sitting on, a box that was used as a table and a single bed in the corner as well as a bathroom with a showerhead, toilet and metal sink. At least at the academy, she had a decent bed, bathroom, food and clothes. Here she had nothing and neither did the soldier. 

She stopped at the bed looking down at it longingly, she hadn't slept in a proper bed in ages. It was single and had a blanket over it and that was about it. By this time she had completely turned her back to the soldier but she could still sense his mind ticking away trying to figure her out. He watched her gaze over the bed and instantly decided that she would be the one sleeping on it from now on. 

He then stood scrapping the chair so she knew he was coming and walked over to the girl until he was at her side. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, she wasn't startled, she knew he was coming since she sensed his mind. This was one of her many abilities, telepathy. She was extremely clever when it came to entering her victim's minds and torturing them from the inside out. 

He stared at her oddly realizing she didn't even jump when he came near her. Finally, she gazed up at him with her hazel eyes and then blinked a few times while quiet whispering filled the room. The soldier furrowed his eyebrows at the girl as he swore she was whispering but her mouth wasn't moving.

She stared up at him wondering if he had heard her and maybe understood her power, but he didn't. The girl had used the whispers a lot especially when she first got to HYDRA she used to drive the guards insane with them. She was ashamed she even tried, so she returned to looking at the bed. 

"Krovat' dlya sna," the soldier said in Russian. Bed for sleeping.  

She stared blankly up at him somewhat filled with surprise. 

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