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"A mind wants to forget but a heart will always remember,"

Aurora's heart pounded as she walked outside the mansion with the soldier. She almost felt free but then realized what she was doing. Her soldier, her lover was right by her side like she wished but it wasn't him just like it wasn't the same Aurora who was going on this mission. She had lost him and this angered her. Her face soon turned to the same dark expression the soldier had, she felt nothing anymore. What goodness was left in Aurora was gone and the darkness now consumed her. 

The soldier was a lone figure like he was when they first broke him before the girl came into his life. When she was first taken from him he was erratic and no one could stop him. When everyone in HYDRA refused to deal with the soldier they called on the superior. The superior simply ordered for him to be wiped and tortured for his growing love for the girl. 

He felt every memory and feeling he had for her rip away from him. He fought so hard to remember his Aurora. She was the one thing that was his. The one innocent thing he had even though she was a killer like him she still had the innocence. Everyone in the facility refused to believe that the soldier could feel love for someone and the news quickly got to Madame B. who began changing Aurora for 'the better,' 

She had changed her successfully. 

The soldier hadn't begged to be allowed to keep his memories for so long but he figured he just might give in. Maybe if he convinced them she would come back. 

"Podozbdite, pozhaluysta! Net net! Pozhaluysta!" he begged. Wait, please! No, No! Please!

The shoved him into the metal chair to erase those happy memories. 

"Please don't take her away from me! Bring Aurora back, please!" he looked up to meet the eyes of the superior who was smiling. 

He walked closer to the soldier and leaned down to whisper in the soldier's ear, "She's changed," 

The soldier's eyes widened as the superior backed away, "No! She wouldn't do that. She - she-she'll hunt you down for this! She'll...she will find you!" 

The superior smiled and then the shocks started. They wiped him many times until he could barely remember the days of the week. They made sure he would never feel anything towards that girl ever again. 

But he would never tell them that the girl had a permanent residence in his mind. His memory was foggy but there were two things he could seem to forget. 

His feelings he felt when he was around her and her glowing golden eyes

The year was now 2009 and it was The Black Swan and Winter Soldier's first mission together and was set in Odesa, Ukraine. Their target was a nuclear engineer who was being escorted out of Iran by a former recruit of the KGB. The Winter Soldier was told to kill the engineer and The Black Swan was left the escort. 

He watched her stare blankly at the guards in front of her. She looked like she was about to snap and hoped she wouldn't in such a confined zone. They had been driving for three hours and the guards started to look uncomfortable. The soldier wondered if she was doing something to them but decided to not voice his thoughts. The girl picked up on his thoughts and after a while of listening to them, she decided to say something. 

"Yesli tebe yest' chto skazat', ya predlagayu tebe eto skazat' ili ty khochesh', chtoby ya sdelal tebya?" she hissed. If you have something to say I suggest you say it or would you like me to make you?

The soldier's face hardened at how bad she really was, "Ne volnuysya, ya by vse ravno ne skazal etogo," Don't worry, I'd rather not say it anyway.

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