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"Your mind is a weapon, keep it open,"

2009, Salem, NY

"So someone shot the nuclear engineer you were transporting from Iran?" Erik Lehnsherr said looking down at the briefing file Nick Fury had handed him. 

Fury had shown up at the school for gifted youngsters with Agent Romanoff and Agent Hill to figure out who ambushed Natasha's mission. They knew that Charles could shed some light on the situation because one of the attackers wasn't normal. 

Charles knew mutants and he knew that the feeling of being shut down by society could make them do awful things. Maybe, this mutant was lost and Fury knew that Charles could help them. 

"It wasn't just one person it was two," Fury replied looking down at Charles Xavior who had a puzzled look on his face. 

"There was a man and a woman," Natasha Romanoff spoke up, holding her stomach that was now stitched up from where the attackers got her. 

"Did you get a look at one of them? Any features that stood out?" Jean Grey asked trying to build a picture in her head of the scene. She didn't know anyone who would want a nuclear engineer dead. 

"Yes, the woman. She came out of the trees and stood in the middle of the road. I kept driving thinking she would move but she never did. Next thing I knew I flipping over her like she had made the car flip," Natasha explained

"I didn't get a good look at her but the things that stuck out the most were her glowing eyes and cracked skin," she added. 

Charles immediately looked up with his eyebrows furrowed. He thought about it but it was too hard to believe. A mutant was glowing eyes and cracked skin? There were many mutants that had glowing eyes but he only knew one with cracked skin and that was Jean. 

"What colour were her eyes and cracks?" Maria Hill asked Charles' next question for him. 

Natasha thought for a moment, "She had golden eyes and cracks on her skin. I knew someone who had those kinds of features but as far as I know, she's dead,"

Jean looked at Charles for a second reading his thoughts. He wasn't going to ask Natasha who she knew so she decided to ask, "What was the name?" 

"I told you she's dead-" 

"What was the name?" Jean repeated. 

"Aurora, her name was Aurora but she was killed back in 2005," Natasha said. She wasn't sure if it was Aurora one the road but she wouldn't be surprised if was. Aurora was renowned coming back after dangerous missions. 

"I trained with her in the Red Room, she was unstoppable. She had this power that no one could take on and she almost killed me with it," Natasha explained. 

Jean took a heavy deep breath in as she thought about the name Natasha had said. Aurora, the name of her daughter. Suddenly, there was a chance that her daughter could be alive but she was on the wrong side. 

Charles noticed Jean's thoughts and sighed, "Jean, we can't be sure if it's her," 

"But you can look with Cerebro. Can't you?" Logan asked, rubbing Jean's back. If he could then they could see her and get her to safety. 

Charles looked over to Hank who gave him a knowing look. Erik looked between the two and furrowed his eyebrows, "Do you two know something we don't?" 

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