Chapter 5: Survival of the Powerless

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"Is everybody okay", Jeff says turning on the light to the safe house.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Didn't think we would be back here anytime soon", Anissa says.

"Well get use to it, We're a team full of metas, meaning we will always be hunted", Jeff says.

"Ok, we're safe for now, but those men will not stop to get you three back", Gambi says pointing at Grace, Erica, & Khalil.

"Meaning we need to be on high alert", Jeff says.

"How will we do that when we're so tired?", Lynn asks.

"We form watch Groups", Anissa starts, "Me, Dad, & Jenn will take first shift, Grace, Khalil, & Erica will take second shift and Mom and Uncle Gambi, can take the last shift.

"Maybe you three should take the last shift, you've been through the most out of all of us", Lynn says.

"Good plan, so with that being said, Grace, Erica, & Khalil will sit watch for 3 hours, then go alert Gambi and Lynn when it's their turn", Jeff says.

They all nod in agreement. The team walks out leaving Khalil, Grace, & Erica sitting watch. An hours past by, Khalil stands up to look out the window. They only have a few minutes left before it's time to switch.

"Why are we always in the back?", Khalil asks.

"What do you mean?", Grace says.

"I mean we're literally always in the back, every time we have a mission, it's always the core 3 first, then Brandon and Dionte behind them, then us for back up", Khalil says.

"Because we have the least amount of powers, I mean I don't mean no harm but if we're going against someone who has powers, hand to hand combat isn't a good option", Grace says.

"And shapeshifting is?", Khalil asks, "I mean if you turned into someone and developed the same powers as them, it would be useful, but other than that it doesn't really help us".

"You do realize that you just answered your own question about why you're in the back", Erica says.

"You shouldn't even be in this conversation, if no one gives you powers you can't help us", Khalil says.

"I might not have super cool powers but I'm useful in the team, I don't care if I'm in the back, as long as I'm on a team set out to do good, I'm just as useful as the next", Erica says.

"Agreed!", Grace says.

"Whatever, Im gonna go wake Lynn and Gambi , cause it feels like survival of the powerless out here", Khalil says walking to the back.

A few minutes pass by as Gambi and Lynn walk into the living room to sit watch.

"Okay you guys get some sleep, we got it from here", Gambi says.

"Thanks Gambi", Grace says standing up to go join Anissa in Bed.

Gambi and Lynn sit on the couch and stare off into space for awhile. Gambi begins looking at the Cameras outside on his iPad. He notices movement out the corner of his eyes. He looks over to see Lynn shaking her leg continuously.

"You okay Lynn?", Gambi asks.

"Yeah I'm fine", Lynn says still shaking her leg.

"Lynn are you still using?", Gambi asks.

"Using what are you talking about?", Lynn says stopping her leg shakes.

"Because when you were using and weren't able to get any green light your leg use to shake just like that, you don't remember?", Gambi asks.

"Oh yeah, I remember", Lynn replies.

Gambi stares at Lynn for a moment.

"Lynn where did you go during the fight with Gravedigger last month?" Gambi asks.

"What do you mean?", Lynn asks.

"I mean Jeff mentioned briefly to me that you just went home, but we never discussed why", Gambi says.

"Uhhh", Lynn starts, "Come now he's on to us", Lynn says into her watch. 

"Who are you talking to?" Gambi says standing up

"Well since you want to be nosey guess our plan will have to start now", Lynn says standing up.

"What plan?", Gambi asks picking up his shotgun.

"You don't need that!" Lynn says holding her hand up and from a distance she snatches the gun from Gambi.

"Lynn when did you get powers?", Gambi asks.

"She didn't", Lynn says pressing at the back of her ear.

Just then she morphs into TC.

"TC", Gambi says widening his eyes.

There's silence for a brief moment. Suddenly Gambi hears footsteps coming toward the door. He runs towards the steps to call the others. TC holds his hand out and throws Gambi at the wall. Just then the door flies open and 2 men run in. Khalil, Grace, & Erica run down the stairs. 

"Stand aside, were here for the Pierce Family", TC says.

"Well its not going down like that", Grace says squaring up.

"Fine by me", TC says pulling Grace towards him.

Grace morphs into a snake and crawls under TC's legs. She morphs back and kicks him from behind. He hits the floor. One of the men throw a punch at Grace but Khalil throws a knife at his hand. He runs up pushing the knife deeper into the mans hand and pushes it through the wall.

"Not so strong, not being able to use your powers", Khalil says upper cutting the man knocking him out. 

The other man throws an Air Bubble at Erica she pulls it inside her body and throws it back at the man, he gets surrounded in a Air Bubble. 

"TO HELL WITH THIS", TC yells jumping up, he grabs Gambi and runs toward the front door, " You think this is over, it's just getting started, this is the Overload".

Jeff, Anissa, & Jenn run down the stairs. 

"What's going on?', Jeff asks.

"We were just under attack", Grace says.

"By who?", Jeff asks, "and where's Lynn".

"I don't know but it was TC and he took Gambi, but he also left us two special guests", Khalil says pointing to then men behind them, "and when they come to, were gonna interrogate them to see what they know", Khalil says.

"And you guys took them out alone?", Anissa asks.

"Yeah, so much for the Powerless", Erica says smirking at Grace and Khalil.

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