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Hope begins to calm down as she clings to (y/n). She stops shaking as she gets her breathing under control. (y/n) pats her back gently as he waits patiently for her to regain her bearings.

(y/n): "Its okay... He can't hurt us anymore... He won't hurt anyone..."

Hope nods as she wipes the tears from her face. She sniffles as she slowly breaks the hug.

Hope: "I'm not going anywhere, I'm never breaking my promise."

(y/n) smiles warmly

(y/n): "I know."

(y/n) leans forward and gently places his lips on Hope's. Hope melts into the kiss and all the stress leaves her body. The pair break the kiss and get to their feet. Hope wobbles a little but (y/n) catches her before she falls.

(y/n): "Can you walk?"

Hope: "Yeah, just give me a sec."

(y/n): "Alright."

(y/n) turns his gaze up to the cliff above.

(y/n): "We're pretty far from the fight."

Hope: "It would be a lot faster if we had Bumblebee..."

Hope looks down into the ocean where (y/n)'s motorcycle had fallen in. She frowns as she remembers all the good memories associated with the bike.

(y/n) shrugs

(y/n): "Storm is gonna owe us both big time for this. I'll just get him to find some aquatic heroes who can go down there and retrieve her."

Hope: "Good. I miss that bike already..."

(y/n) chuckles as he takes Hope's hand. He leads her up the path and to the top of the cliff. (y/n) limps a little as he walks, his injuries from the fight were beginning to affect him. Hope pulls his arm over her shoulder and helps to support his weight.

(y/n): "Weren't you the one who couldn't walk a few minutes ago?"

Hope: "Just let me help."

(y/n) rolls his eyes

Hope: "You shouldn't fight, especially while your quirk is suppressed. Not to mention how banged up the both of us are."

(y/n): "We'll be fine."

Hope gives (y/n) a not so convinced nod

Hope: "Just be careful."

(y/n): "When am I not careful?"

Hope narrows her eyes as (y/n) sweats a little.

Hope: "You literally drove a motorcycle off a cliff and jumped off only to land in a stupid superhero pose. I'm honestly surprised your knees didn't disintegrate..."

(y/n): "On second thought, forget I said that..."

Hope rolls her eyes as she and (y/n) continue up the cliff. She turns and looks down the cliff, into the ocean below. Hope's eyes get drawn to the spot where Adam had been standing just minutes before. Hope's heart began to hurt again.

There was a time when she and Adam truly cared about each other. While there was a ton of bad memories, there was also a few good ones. Hope feels tears begin to form in her eyes.

(y/n): "What's wrong?"

Hope: "..."

(y/n) follows her eyes nods in understanding.

(y/n):" Its alright... It was him or us, you know that."

Hope: "But did we really have to kill him?"

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