Cutey Q (1.13)

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Who hates Q? Me. Sorry child- but like, you're definitely not one of my favourites, especially when you hurt Atsushi- (i dOnt staNd foR tHat bUllsHit).

Anyways enjoyyy, angsty ending, so prepare yourself :p


"I'm scared..."

"That's alright dear, after all, what did I say about fear~?"

"It's all a story in my head."

"Good good, now go on, don't be shy. Death's Needle never hesitates."


"So that was you?"

Headphones in your ear, you were running, hopping on bus to bus to make it to the location Ranpo had given you. You'd already settled with Atsushi where to go, contacting Tanizaki and Kunikida to make sure they knew the predicament.

Tanizaki is scary when he's mad...

However, as you made your way to the location, you were talking to your online friend. A smile made its way on your lips when he groaned, "Yeah... I can't believe you were there- you should've went with those other two to see me."

Hearing the pout in his voice, you chuckled. "Ha- if I did that, you'd be hostage at the Agency right now. I wanted to give you a chance." You knew considering his gift, and how little you'd seen of it, he had a high possibility of winning.

As if I'd admit that to him-

"Oh?" His voice was now mocking, and you felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment. "Even after seeing that I could manipulate gravity? I can't tell if you're plain stupid- or if you actually have an equally matched gift."

My gift certainly isn't weak... but well...

"Not only that," you continued, a smirk making its way onto your lips at the thought. "But you're so short! You never told me you were minuscule size- and for a man of 22-?"

Hearing something crash in the background of the other line, you laughed even harder. "Don't you even dare bring my height into this-" the boy growled, voice louder than before. "I don't want to hear it. Im not that short either- so you can shut up."

You only laughed harder.

"You're like..." you chuckled, trying to keep your laughing down. "Four foot ten- you're so small! Even compared to Kenji who isn't even that tall- you looked tiny!" You felt a tad bad for teasing him like this, but the curses and mumbles on his side were worth it.

"I'm five foot three..." he said in a soft voice, sounding genuinely hurt. "How tall are you anyway? You can't be that much taller..."


I'm shorter than him...

Frowning, you took a deep breath in. "Well, I'm taller than Dazai, pretty sure I'm six foot at this point, super tall. You'd only reach my chest!" You weren't about to tell him you were shorter, besides, you'd grow! Right?

He kept silent for a bit, and you were genuinely surprised he believed you. "No... no way.." he said in such a defeated voice, and you held back a chuckle. "I'll... I'll ask Dazai about that later, there's no way you're taller than him..."

I'll make sure Dazai plays along with the height lie, I don't think he'll mind-

The bus arrived at its selected spot, and you were running again, making your way to the supposed train station you were meeting Atsushi and Dazai at. From what you'd heard, the two girls had made it on the train, and Tanizaki and Kunikida were facing off the two guild members.

𝓐𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬 (Dazai x F!Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now