《 Chapter 9 》

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I was shocked to the bones when Peter left the class immediately the bell rang for break the next day. All the speech I intended to give oozed out of me like steam.

I wondered what made me think he would agree to speak with me after treating him the way I did. I sank into my chair as I stared at the door in which Peter had left. I couldn't understand what I was feeling.

I had never felt this way before. It wasn't a feeling of disappointment. It was something greater. I sucked in my inner cheek and bit my lip. I felt like crying.

I picked up my books from my desk and shoved them into my bag. I would just go to the library as usual. Speaking with Peter was impossible. I should have known.

Peter walked at the moment I zipped my bag. He had a can drink on his hand and a snack on the other. My face lighted up the moment I saw him. I watched him walk to me with an expressionless look on his face. He looked indifferent.

I didn't like this side of Peter at all. I had only seen the jovial and friendly part. I never knew there was this other side to him.

"You said you wanted to speak with me."

"Yeah. I do. Can we please go somewhere else?" I asked and Peter shrugged.

I got to my feet and walked out with Peter tagging along. Some of our classmates had stopped to stare. It was still a mystery to me why people couldn't focus on their business. I had never stuck my nose in things pertaining to others so why can't they do so?

I didn't know where to go neither did I know where we could talk. I couldn't take him to the library. I didn't want to talk in the class either.

"Is there a quiet place we can go to? I don't know any." I turned to face him.

"How do you expect me to know?" He deadpanned.

"Yeah. . . You're right." I looked at my fingers.

"We could go to the rooftop," Peter said at last and my eyes widened.

"The rooftop?"

He looked at me strangely as he shook his head and led the way. To get there, we had to climb the sequel of staircases. I wondered why Peter didn't use the elevator.

I was worn out the moment we got to the rooftop. I heaved a deep breath and explored the area. I never knew such a place existed. It was just the perfect place to talk. Just one boy was standing in a corner and with the way he looked, I deemed he was thinking or meditating.

I could see outside the school's compound from the rooftop. It was such a magnificent sight as I stared at the roof of various houses next to my school. I felt like jumping down.

"I never knew this place existed," I said to Peter who had already taken a seat on the pavement.

"Do you think we're allowed here? Will we get into trouble for being here?" I looked around, admiring the landscape. I felt like touching the sky.

"Well! I've been here a couple of time and no one had said anything to me. " He shrugged.

"Why have you been here? It doesn't look like anything is interesting to do here." I stood in front of him.

"What do you want to tell me, Beatrice?" Peter ignored my question.

I sulked in my breath and sat down making sure to leave some reasonable distance between us.

"I wanted to thank you Peter. . .for coming to my rescue the other day. You might not understand the gravity of what you did but it meant a lot to me. After how I spoke to you, It's__"

"You're welcome. It wasn't a big deal." He stood up and turned to go.

"You said you've got me figured out, right? What if I told you, you only scratched the surface; that there are more to discover? You're right about my grandmother wanting me indoors but why does she want me indoors? Have you asked yourself why? Sit down Peter and let me tell you what you want to know."

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