《 Chapter 12 》

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Grandma was away when I returned home that one Friday.  It was not unusual — her catering job consumed most of her time and I loved it that way.

I rushed into my room without sparing the housekeeper a look.
"Your food is on the dining. " She shouted after me.   She had been sitting in front of the house checking the time to note when I returned.

I took my time to scrub my skin to my satisfaction before walking to the dining to eat my food. As I took my first spoon, I heard the front door creak and grandma walked in, alongside the housekeeper. My stomach did an upturn. It was quite early, compared to the time she came back on a normal day.

I greeted her and she smiled wearily at me; sitting on the sofa chair and resting her head on the chair. I could tell she was  tired but I dared not ask how her day went. I had never done such before and wouldn't start  now.

I continued eating my food and then, she called my name. I turned to look at her; answering her call as I turned.
"I will be spending the night at my friend's  house today. His son's engagement party is tomorrow and I was given the catering contract. We still have a lot to cook before tomorrow so I have to go."

My heart was beating in my chest as I listened to her. Grandma had never spent the night outside before so this was so new.

"I can't leave you alone here so I have decided to take you to Mrs Adeyemi's house — you must have heard me talk about her; she's one of my caterers. Well! You'll stay with her daughters for the night and tomorrow you'll come along with them to the engagement party tomorrow. I packed the dress you're going to wear into your backpack along with your shoes so eat fast so I can drop you at their house. That's my main purpose for coming home."

I didn't know what to think or how to react. Was this a good news or not?  A night without grandma? Wow!
"Now, I don't want you misbehaving  when you get there. I wish I had another option. I really don't like those daughters of Mrs Adeyemi. They are too loose;  they are both negative influences, in fact, so  keep your distance when you get there. Don't  start laughing and hanging out with them especially that 'Iyanu' girl; so lousy and big mouthed. Know yourself Beatrice and mind the way you mingle with them." She warned me.

I rolled my eyes gently as I turned to my food. It was not new to hear all these from grandma. Everyone was lousy; everyone was loosed except her.

After eating, I went into my room to dress up. I took a quick peep at the dress grandma picked for me: an hideous looking dress as usual.  Nothing special!

The drive to the Adeyemi's quarter was long and quiet. We stopped at the huge black gate standing fiercely in the street. The gate was opened for us and we drove in.  Grandma came out of the car and I did the same. She knocked slightly on the main door and a young lady opened up. She greeted grandma politely and smiled at me. She asked grandma to come inside but grandma declined  with an excuse that she was already  late. She patted my head and then turned to go. I watched  her leave with the driver till the gate was closed. I waited to feel something; any emotion at all but all I could feel was a sweet sensation.

"Shall we?" The young lady who was some years older than me asked and I nodded at her.

We walked into the house and I turned my gaze  to the beautiful portraits on their walls. She told me to make myself comfortable while she got me something to eat. I sat on a couch as I admired the sitting room. It was much smaller than grandma's but it was lovely. I would have preferred if it was something smaller. I actually would have loved if they lived in a bungalow and not this beautiful duplex. I had a strong loathe for big buildings.

There was an Indian movie showing on the large  flat screen  television.  I couldn't take my eyes off it.  I sat with my eyes glued to the television that I didn't notice the lady walk in with a tray of food.  She dropped it in front of me with a smile. Her smile was lovely. It warmed my heart. Just then, I heard footsteps of a girl coming down the staircase. I turned to look at her. She was about my age, only that she was slimmer.

"Oh! You must be Mummy Salome's granddaughter." She smiled at me. Her diastema large  enough to house my pinky finger.
"What's your name?" She sat opposite me; still smiling  at me.
"Beatrice." I told her. I had barely touched my food for I was not hungry. I didn't  know how to tell the older lady that I had eaten and therefore didn't need any more food.
"I'm Iyanu." She smiled at me. "Wow! I never knew Mummy Salome had  a grown up granddaughter.  She was always talking about you like you were a three year old  kid.  'No! My granddaughter is not going  there with you! No! I don't want  my granddaughter there!'" She mimicked my grandma.
"Iyanu!" The older lady cautioned.
"Sorry." Iyanu made a face as the older lady turned to go.

"She's such a mum." She said to me.  "Someone cannot be free again. Always trying to act like an older sister. My goodness! I know you are, just . . . Just chill a bit."
"I can hear you!" Her older sister yelled.
"I'm glad you did." Iyanu yelled back and I chuckled. I liked this girl. I loved this house.

"What school do you attend?" Iyanu asked me as she grabbed the remote.
"Gate way comprehensive college." I replied.
"Oh wow! I once attended that school for a term." She told me and my eyes widened.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. In jss2, first term."
"I never knew." I said more to myself than to her.
"Yeah. I never knew you too. But what does it matter? We know each other now." She grinned at me and I smiled.

"You said my grandma treats me like a kid. Have you spoken to her  before?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Yes. I gave her an invitation card to give you for my birthday but she told me you wouldn't go. I've tried to meet you since but you're never around. You don't even attend events that your grandmother  is in charge. What then is the benefit of having a caterer for a grandma?"

I didn't know want to say so I stuffed a spoon of rice into my mouth and turned to face the television screen. Iyanu was changing the channel and was muttering: I wonder what she sees in all these Indian movies.

She stopped at a channel named Fox. I stared at the characters and listened to what they were saying. I ate slowly as I watched  the movie with her. It was already dark. I could see that from the raised up curtain at the window.
"Are you done eating? I want to show you my dress for tomorrow." Iyanu turned to look at me.
"Almost done." I rushed the remaining  food and stood up with the plate.
"I'll keep those." She took the plate from me and walked into the kitchen.

I was so filled up. I wanted to rest; just standing weakened me but I couldn't say no to her. She was being so friendly to me, I didn't want to hurt her.

Iyanu came and took me by my hand to her room.

I stared at the room. It was so different from my room. It was painted pink with beautiful posters of female artistes. There was a big wardrobe connected to the wall and her bed was well arranged with pink bedsheet. It was a typical girls room.
"You'll be spending the night with me." She told me.

This was surprising to me. I had thought I would stay at the visitor's room. Never did it cross my mind that I'd be staying with someone else. I had never stayed with anyone except my mother.
"Make yourself comfortable." She said  to me as she walked to her wardrobe and pulled a red gown from a hanger

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