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Draco's POV
      "What has gotten into me?" I thought to myself as I walked out of the room. "Did I almost just let her see me weak?" No...I'm never weak.

She has some type of control on me that I just don't know how to explain it. All of my one night stands are just for the thrill and once I get what I want I leave. But with her...with those eyes...I don't think I could ever leave.

I know she probably is crushed right now. What I said I genuinely meant but she can never know that. Showing any weakness would prove to my father that I'm too weak to be good enough.

     I didn't know how to feel anymore. I was numb. I wasn't even hungry anymore, the thought of food made me want to throw up. I was so disgusted with myself because of him.

"I almost let him get to me" I thought to myself as I walked up to the girls dormitory. I have my own suite like Draco because Snape convinced Dumbledore that others in my room distract me too much. Snape was very good friends with my father and at Hogwarts was like my second father.

I skipped dinner that night. But I decided the only way to get my mind off of him was to go to the library and find a bit of "light reading".

Walking down to the library I was hoping I wouldn't see him. "Y/N" a cold voice yelled out. I turned around to see professor Snape walking towards me concerned. "Shit I'm in trouble. He will tell my dad. My life will be over" I thought to myself but luckily that wasn't the case. "Where are you going so late at night?" Thank god I wasn't in trouble. "I'm going to the library I missed it over the summer and I want to get my mind off of some stuff" I said as I started to walk past him towards the library "lord is this man up all hours of the night" I thought as I walked off "oh well have fun and you can always talk to me if you ever need anything" I nodded my head and kept walking along.

I stayed in the library at least until midnight. I was so caught up in my book I didn't even check that the moon was all the way up in the sky. I was dreading going back to the common room but I knew if I wanted to not get in trouble I should leave now.

I had no issues in the common room from a certain blonde haired boy. As soon as I hit my bed I feel into a deep sleep.

The next morning I surprisingly woke up on my own. I was a nerd I guess you could say. It was our first day of classes and I was hoping to get a class with this new hot boy named Cedric...well and Blaise of course. I took a nice hot shower and straightened my hair.

My makeup was very natural and I didn't want to go too crazy with the look.

I quickly threw on my Slytherin robe and put on a white tennis skirt. Honestly I really liked the fit. Finally sliding on some black air forces I grabbed my books and walked off.


I walked down to breakfast when all the eyes were on me. I sat down next to Blaise at the Slytherin table when I head people talking to one another from all different tables "yeah she's still a virgin" "I wonder if she would let me tap that ass" "Malfoy said she wasn't good enough to fuck anyways" Blaise heard all the conversations and just looked at me "what happened last night y/n?" I told him everything and I laid my head down on the table and softly let the tears roll hoping no one would notice.

I felt cold eyes lingering on me from across the table but, I never looked up. I couldn't let him see me defeated. I couldn't let him see how easily he got to me. "Why would he tell everybody?" I thought to myself as I cried softly into my arm.

Blaise knew something was up and started to pat my back. It gave me a relief to know that at least someone was there for me.

First class was potions with Snape. Thank god I had Snape first hour maybe he could make me feel better.

But Snape just had a odd look on his face towards me. A face of what the hell did you do...

I quickly looked back down at my books and Cedric the hottest man I've laid eyes on other than Draco walked in. "Late Mr. Diggory 10 points from Hufflepuff" "Sorry sir, it won't happen again" he said with a reassuring smile. "Now everyone sit down, Cedric sit by y/n" he did as he was told and we made small talk all hour.

Then class was dismissed and before I could get through the door Snape grabbed me by my robe "Not so fast Y/n you must see professor Dumbledor immediately"

I walked in seeing Draco seated in a chair right beside a empty one. No no no this cannot be happening.

"Ahh welcome Ms. Y/n one of my smartest students" I smiled back at professor and took a seat. "How's your father" he asked me "He's good actually" then I felt cold eyes glare at my thighs. After I had taken a seat my skirt had rolled up almost showing my black laced panties.

"Ahhh I see now the reason I brought you both in here is because I heard there are some issues going on between you" my heart dropped and I said nothing "Sir there are no issues whatso-" but Draco was cut off with a deep deep voice. "Now now Draco..." "Father" he responded and I knew that shit just got real.

"Ahhhh yes just in time Lucius" man I really wish I had popcorn I was enjoying the show. I was enjoying Draco getting scared by his own father.

"I'm here to inform you both that Ms. y/n your father and I will be working on some stuff but he's prefer it that over the summer you will stay with us.

My heart dropped...staying with Draco for 3 months. "Um sir is this necessary?" I looked up at Lucius genuinely confused.

"Yes very" he said then walked off what the hell just happened I thought to myself. "Well then it looks like my work here is done you two need to figure out your problems and they must not get in the way of your school work" I nodded at professor and quickly walked off.

"Not so fast y/n" why does he always have to be a dick I thought to myself. "Draco leave me alone okay. I heard that you told everyone about last night. I thought you meant what you said. I guess I should've never trusted you." I could tell something I said hit a soft spot and his face turned from a smirk to a small frown.

Draco's POV
"Please don't leave me we need to talk" and with that she was already gone. Why did I feel the need to protect her and keep her safe? I must get her back.

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