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After everything that had just happened with Draco and Harry I decided the only person that would know how to cheer me up would be Hermione. First the guy who I actually have real feelings for sets me up and fucks a slut in the same house as us. Then the chosen one tells me we are technically siblings.

I ran straight to Hermione's room.

"Hermione please let me in!" I yelled as tears were burning from my eyes.

She opened the door with a worried look on her face. She could tell my little "date" didn't go well at all.

"Here lets take you back to your dorm to get you changed." She said with her calming voice. She put her arm over my shoulder and walked me to my dorm. I was hoping Draco wouldn't be there to "explain" and to no shock at all he wasn't. I actually hadn't seen him at all after the whole "incident".

"Okay Y/n what happened?" Hermione asked as my breathing started to calm down. Everything still felt numb to the touch but Hermione's presence made it all better.

"I was so stupid to fall for him Hermione! I was so stupid to think he actually loved me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs trying to get everything off of my chest.

"Okay...okay Y/n had he ever said he loved you though?"

Then it brought me back memories of that night. The night I returned from my encounter with my "father" and his parents. The night he promised he wouldn't hookup with random girls.

I couldn't hold back the tears as they began to fall once more. The door was slightly cracked open to provide some light to the dark room.

"Y-yes he did and so did I." I said between cries and screams.

"Oh Y/n I'm so sorry. I know how much tonight meant to you..." Hermione said soothingly and wrapped both of her arms around me as I sat on the end of our bed.

His bed

"I want nothing to do with this school anymore." I stated.

"All this school has ever brought to me was heartbreak and bad luck."

"Y/n you don't mean that. I know you're just mad and heartbroken right now but we will get through this together."

"Move Malfoy let me see her!" a voice echoed from outside the door.

"Malfoy?" Hermione and I both said simultaneously.

Then I saw Blaise storm in with a worried expression on his face.

"Y/n talk to me. Did he hurt you? What happened?" Blaise said as he walked over to me still in the same spot I was in ever since I walked into the room.

"Is Draco out there?" I whimpered. I could feel my head swirling with thoughts and emotions. Thoughts and emotions I couldn't handle.

"Y-yes." he said still worried.

The room started to slowly become out of sight and both Hermione and Blaise's voices became nothing but sounds and echos. I blacked out. I couldn't feel anything at all.

The next morning

"Oh dear you're awake everyone was so worried about you when they brought you in the other night." Madam Pomfrey said.

The hospital wing had no other patients in it except for me.

I rolled over to my right slowly making sure that I wouldn't pass back out and looked at all of the cards and notes people left for me when they found out what had happened.

Draco's Princess (Reader X Draco)Where stories live. Discover now