I love you

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Love...what was the point of love anyways? We all will get heartbroken by it at some point. The way he held that girl and looked up at me as if I wasn't anything more than another hookup.

I never once actually told Draco that I loved him but I implied it everyday. Sure we hated one another time to time but there was always a spark between us.

I walked through the living room of my house and towards my fathers room. He was no where to be found in the house whatsoever.

Finally, I got to the backyard. It was very spacious don't get me wrong but all I have from this whole house is dark and grim memories.

Looking out I could see my father along with Lucius and Narcissa. I quietly opened the door and to my father's surprise he came running towards me.

"My little girl! Oh, how I've missed you so much dear! Please take a seat in the living room I will be in there shortly."

"O-Okay..." I replied.

Why was my father acting so nice? Don't get me wrong like I said before he is a good person but normally he is too busy to ever speak to me.

I opened the door once more and made my way to the kitchen. I got myself a small glass of water and took a seat on the massive sofa.

"Hello...Y/n. Where is Draco may I ask?" questioned Lucius.

I knew where this was going. Lucius wanted to make sure that I and Draco had nothing going one between one another but were still mutual.

"Actually sir he is still at Hogwarts." I responded while holding back the tears that were burning to fall from my eyes.

"I see and why is he not present with you at this time?" Lucius asked once more.

I was so confused as to why Lucius was so hooked on the topic of Draco not being with me.

My father and Narcissa were both now sitting across from me while Lucius stood right in front of me questioning me. I was used to seeing my father and Draco's family all together but something seemed to be off about all of them.

"Draco and I got into a little argument and with school becoming so challenging at the moment I just wanted to come home for a bit." I responded hesitantly.

"Perfect timing if I'd say!" my father yelled.

I looked up to see that everyone had large grins on their faces and Narcissa's eye lit up as soon as she met mine. I sat upright on the sofa a realized that something I didn't want to hear was going to come out of one of their's mouths.

"You and Draco are to be staying in the same dorm for the rest of this year at Hogwarts." Narcissa added in like she had been waiting to say that for ages.


"You two hate each others guts. We can all see it darling." my father added in.

"But you will be staying at the Malfoy Manor all summer and we would like you two not to burn the house down from fighting with one another." Lucius added in.

They were right about one thing I did hate Draco's guts. After all he did leave me alone at a ball with my toxic ex to make out with some random girl. I could never fully make out who she was though.

Draco's POV

I cried myself to sleep at night. One thing I would never admit to anyone not even her. I fucked it all up.

I skipped school all that week. Decided to stay in my dorm and collect my thought when I heard an odd knock come from the door. It was 4:30am and no one is ever up this early.

"Is this Draco Malfoy's dorm?" a student asked carrying a large amount of luggage.

"This is I. May I ask why you are carrying so much luggage however?" I asked coldly.

"I'm guessing you have not heard sir that you will be sharing a dorm with a female."

"Great just great." I thought to myself as the little 3rd year student started to push carts of luggage into the room.

"Dumbledoor wanted me to let you know sir that she will be arriving later this afternoon upon her fathers request. So you may stay in your dorm tomorrow if you wish."

"Thanks." was all I said and I fell back into a deep sleep.


After our little "talk" I decided to go back up to my old room and sleep. I knew I couldn't fight any of them on their little decision they had made behind my back. They said that it was better that I showed up because if they told Draco alone he would've lost it.

I can see that.

My alarm woke me up alerting me that it was time to go back to Hogwarts. I hated going especially since I had to share a dorm with Draco.

I said goodbye to my father and he gave me one last hug before I apparted.

As soon as my vision cleared up I could see that I was back in a familiar room.

I looked in the mirror to see the once familiar blonde haired man sitting upright in his bed just as confused as I was.

"Oh hell no." I said and stormed out of the dorm.

"Y/n wait please!" yelled Draco and he caught up to me and pulled me back into his dorm.

"Can you please explain why the fuck you're in my dorm room?" he questioned me.

"Well isn't he in a good mood today." I thought to myself.

"Look Draco I know you don't want me in here and believe me I don't want to be in here either but since I have to spend this summer in your home our families thought it would be best if we shared a dorm for the rest of this year. You can have as many girls as you want in here to hookup with just please warn me so I can get out in time." I spat.

"1. I actually do want you here 2. I won't have random girls in here to hookup with because I still like you."

"Draco the Yule Ball..." but before I could go on he stopped me.

"The Yule Ball where your crazy ex boyfriend had his little Ravenclaw slut slip me a love potion in my drink so when I went to the bathroom she was already waiting for me. Y/n...this wasn't my fault. I wanted to explain this all to you but you left before I could say anything."

"Draco...I" but words couldn't seem to form from my mouth.

Instead the tears just rolled down my face. It was Cho who he made out with. That hurt even if he was under a love potion.

"No please don't cry darling come here." he said as his face was filled with guilt.

I walked over to him and his shirtless body. I was soon embraced by his hug and felt safe one again.

"Y/n there is something I've been meaning to tell you." he said and looked me in my eyes as his hair was still all messed up from just waking up.

We both simultaneously looked at one another and said "I love you."



Hi guys i'm sorry this chapter was so long but I wanted to finish it on a good note. Please let me know if you would like me to keep on publishing more of this story!

Draco's Princess (Reader X Draco)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon