Promise Me

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Draco and I walked to dinner together. People were turning their heads left and right as we made our way to the great hall. I'm guessing that Harry never told anyone that I also was a chosen one. However, I never faced Voldemort like Harry did instead I was lucky enough to be hidden with my now dead "father".

"Hey it's gonna be okay." Draco whispered in my ear as he could tell I was tensed from everyone watching the both of us walk in.

Of course my eyes met Pansy's and she gave me an evil glare.

"Whatever..." I mumbled.

We both sat down next to Blaise who had an confused look on his face.

Blaise gently hit my arm and whispered in my ear "Why is Malfoy sitting by us and why did you both walk in at the same time...?"

"It's a long story I promise I'll tell you everything later."

Blaise nodded his head at my response and we all looked up at the front of the room.

"Student may I please have your attention." announced Dumbledore.

"As you all know classes were cancelled for a very special reason today. A reason the Ministry of Magic does not want me to tell you. But as students of Hogwarts I think that it is only right to let you all know. Today..." Dumbledore's voice started to become shaky along with his hands. "Today..." he repeated himself. "Voldemort was seen lurking in the yards. Many of our amazing teachers Snape, McGonagall, Hagrid, and myself luckily pushed him away. It was a warning for us all. A warning that he has returned looking for Potter and Y/n."

Everyone's heads turned towards me. I could feel Draco take in a deep breath so that he wouldn't lose his temper this time.

"Of course she's a chosen one. She's a chosen slut" Pansy screamed out.


I could tell Draco was breathing heavier and heavier as everyone started to talk about me. He was about to lose all of his temper.

"Draco it's okay we knew this was going to happen someday." I said calmly trying not to have any fear in my voice.

"I know...I just don't like that Dumbledore announced it."

"I know neither do I but it's good that we were warned." I responded.

I didn't eat dinner. I was too stressed out about everyone knowing about me. Draco tried to get me to eat something but I refused every time. I could tell he was getting frustrated with me but he also knew that mentally I was not okay at the moment. My mind was in a whole other universe.

"Can we go back to our dorm?" I asked Draco.

"Yes my love." he responded and took my hand leading me towards the Slytherin common room.

We made it to our dorm after everyone glared at me as I walked by. I can't help what happened in my past. Especially since I also didn't find out since recently.

"I don't feel so good." I said to Draco as he was pulling clothes out from our dresser.

"Here darling I'll start a warm bath for you. Hand me your clothes and I'll get them cleaned up. Oh, and don't worry too much. Remember I'm your protector and no matter how much he will try to take you from me I will never let him." he said as he grabbed some of my clean clothes to lay out on the bed once I got out of my bath.

"Th...thank you...It-it means a lot to me that you care." I said and sat down on the bed as he got a bath ready for me.

1 hour later

I was putting on my night clothes as Draco laid on his side of the bed reading a book. Draco liked to read when he was stressed out or had too much going on.

"How can you read anything in the dark?" I asked while slipping under the covers on my side of the bed.

"I guess I just have special powers." he joked and glanced over at me.

"You know I still love you right?" he asked.

"Draco not now. After everything we have been through it's best that we forget about what we were in the past." I said as I was slowly starting to shut my eyes.

"I-I understand." he mumbled and went back to reading his book.

It started to get cold in our room. I was wearing a tank top and cheeky shorts but I was shivering. Since Slytherin's common room was in the dungeon it usually got cold pretty quick. Especially in the winter time.

"Dr-draco..." my voice trailed off as I started to fall back to sleep.

"Yes Y/n?" he asked in a raspy tone.

"I'm cold." I said and before long I was embraced by both of his arms wrapped around my body.

"This should warm you up then." he giggled and slowly started to fall back to sleep as I did the same. But before I was fully asleep I had to get something off my chest. I was hoping that he was fully asleep so that he wouldn't hear me.

"Promise me that this is forever and that you will never let me go." I said as I slowly started to fall asleep in his arms.

"I promise" he mumbled back into my ear. I could tell that he was clearly smirking as his hot breath grazed across my back and neck.

Even though he was absolutely toxic and annoying his soft side showed the real Draco. The Draco no one else ever saw.


Hi sorry this was so short but I'm still trying to figure out how I want the next chapter to go. But I hope you like this story so far! Tomorrows chapter will be longer for sure!

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