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It was all pomp and show when I reached the party. Everyone either wore gowns or dresses while the boys wore tuxedos. Some of them even wore casual shirts but still they looked good. Everyone either came with their friend or their date but as I had no one except Natasha I went alone. The hall was located near a beach, so there were large coconut tress all around the hall.I was so overjoyed that I nearly bumped into a tree but I regained my control and entered the hall where the party was being held.

In the hall, the walls were covered with blue and golden curtains and balloons

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In the hall, the walls were covered with blue and golden curtains and balloons. At the front there was a stage on which a student band was playing some songs. In front of the stage, there was a large crowd of people dancing madly. Our seniors do have a knowledge of trend.There were so many people here that I got lost soon. I tried talking with someone but found it akward as they all knew one another and were constantly laughing just for the sake of laughing. I tried to find Natasha but she was absent. Finally I found myself near the side table. I filled a glass of fruit punch and messaged Natasha“Where are you?”
She immediately texted back “On the way!”. I know I would have to wait for her was she is always late so I ate some pasteries too. They were really good and just when I was going to relish the choclate fudge pastry, someone tapped my back, thinking that it is Natasha I turned back.
“Hi, You are Tanya ,right?” asked the guy who was disturbing the pamphlets to this party. Finally, someone I know.
“Oh, hi” I said “Glad you came, Are you enjoying here?” he asked
“Yes, certainly, the food here is good” I said. “Where is your friend, the one with the purple hair?”( purple hair is quite uncommon in India) he asked. “She is on the way” I said. “Okay” he said. Just then Karan came behind him “Hey bro!” he said to the guy.
“Oh, hey!” he said to Karan
“ Tanya, meet Karan, my cousin brother” Brother!! “Hi” I said to Karan “Karan meet Tanya” said the guy “Hi, I know you, you are the washroom girl,right?” Karan said “ Huh,uh, I am ” I said. Why does he keeps calling me that? . He smiled. He had a dashing smile.“Nice to meet you” Karan said, shaking my hand. I shook his hands too and a sudden electric wave ran through me, the wave that happens only in movies but seems impossible in real life. “Huh, guys I have to go now, Karan why don't you take Tanya for a stroll near the beach, the weather's awesome today” said Karan's brother.
“Uh, sure” he hesitated. Do boys are always that nervous with girls or was Karan someone special? But we had nothing else to do and Karan's brother was quite persuasive so we went for a walk near the beach. (Atleast this made it clear that he had no girlfriend before, did he?)

 (Atleast this made it clear that he had no girlfriend before, did he?)

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The weather was mild. The wind blew fast that made my hair fall on my face. The rustling of the leaves and the ocean waves lapping on the moist sand made a sweet tune that can brighten any mood. I removed my sandals and walked bare footed on ths sand that felt good. Still, there was an akward silence between us. The silence can be compared with the silence in an examination hall, where even if a pen drops, everyone stares at you.The weather did no help.In fact, the wind made my hair constantly fall on my face which is quite irritating.

I am socially akward( as I mentioned before) and I think Karan is too as none of us spoke a single thing. Karan began humming a sweet tune that I recognised was from DDLJ movie. Judging by his way of humming, I think he might be a musician in practice. Then suddenly, I tripped over some seashell.( God bless that seashell!)
“Are you okay?” he asked. “Yeah, I am fine ” I said. Again the universal silence prevailed. I wonder why are boys so akward among girls? 

After sometime he said“Is Natasha your childhood friend?” Really? Here in this lovely weather all he wants to talk about is Natasha? Even if she proposed him before me?  That girl has that effect on many.
“No, we just met a few weeks ago” I said and flashed a fake smile.
“Oh, I thought you were close friends as she always talks about you” he said.
“Really? She does?” I asked being shocked by her. I thought Natasha to be like a punk but now I feel she is more than that.
“Yeah, she told me you like music”
“Yeah, I do”
“I play guitar too, what instruments do you play?”
“I don't play anything, I just like to hear the lyrics as every lyrics depicts an emotion, I just like to feel those emotions.”
“Wow, you have really deep thinking” he said.
“My knowledge is both a gift and a curse” I said
He just stared at me.
“Hey,I am just kiddding” I said laughing. He still stared at me and the expression on face was a combination of wonder and admiration. I have never seen that look on any person except my father.

In order to ruin this perfect moment, my dumb brain said ‘Let's break the silence, I am getting bored’, so I spoke
“Umm, I think we should return to the party, your friend might we waiting for you” I wanted him to protest. Please, please protest. Please tell me, you want to spend more time with me, but he said,
“Yeah sure” he said and we returned to the party.

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