lxxxii. TEXTS

636 12 18


hey, are you and teddy alright?

no, not really
why do you ask?

well, you don't seem to talk about him as much anymore

i feel like we're growing apart???
like, we're in different places in our lives
maybe it's just the fact that we aren't seeing each other every day like we used to last year and over the summer
and believe me, i love him more than i thought i could ever love someone who wasn't family
but maybe this isn't the right time for us if we're feeling so distant from each other

oh, avalon, i'm so sorry
i know this can't be easy, what you're feeling
do you want me to come up to your common room? we can talk about it?

it's not easy
but no, that's alright
beth and i are having a self care night with like face masks and stuff
and i really don't think i can talk about it without crying
because i don't want what teddy and i have to end
but i feel like it might

why, though? why don't you just talk to him about what you're feeling?
that way you two can fix it

because i don't even know what's wrong
i genuinely just feel like this might be the wrong time for us
maybe when we're older, when i'm out of hogwarts
but for now i really think it's best if we call things off, at least for a little while
let me get my life sorted out, y'know

i get it
clarissa and i had that fight over the summer
we almost ended things but once i figured out what i wanted to do with my life things got really easy

that's the thing, i have no idea what i'm going to do after i graduate
i love the joke shop but i want more for myself
no offense to my dad but i don't want to follow in his footsteps

you have time to figure it all out, av
but if you think breaking up with teddy is what you need to do, i'll support you

thank you vic
i love you
and please don't tell teddy about any of this until i have a chance to talk to him first

of course
i love you too
and don't worry, this stays between us


hey, call me when you get a minute


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