Chapter 65

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Raven stood off to the side of the stage watching Drake put on an amazing show. It awed her how his presence could get the crowd so amped. His fans had been screaming and singing along since he stepped foot on the stage and she could tell that he loved it. It was what he lived for. With Tiana at her side, Raven danced along to the music, stealing flirtatious glances with Drake whenever he would look in her direction. She was having a good time, just as everyone else. The entire crew was so caught up with watching Drake's performance that no one noticed the woman with honey blonde hair creeping up to Raven's left. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Raven turned around and almost instantly, her energetic smile faded away and she stood there with a blank expression.

For the first time since he'd been out on the road, Drake was finally in the right frame of mind to give his all on the stage. It helped that Raven was there with him. Whenever he would look over to his right and see her dancing and rapping along it made his chest swell up with pride giving him a burst of energy to feed back to his adoring fans. The show was coming to a close. It was the last song of the night and Drake couldn't wait to get off the stage and over to, Raven. They had been teasing each other all night and right about now he couldn't wait to get back to the hotel. Coming up on the chorus that the crowd sung all by their lonesome, Drake looked over to where he expected to see Raven and almost dropped the mic in his hands. She was standing there with Dollicia- or at least they were. As the two of them started to walk further backstage, Dollicia glimpsed over her shoulder, smirking at Drake who looked like a deer caught in headlights.


"So, I know you're wondering why I wanted to talk to you in private." Dollicia spoke first. It amused her how Drake's security thought a backstage pass would keep her out.

She had been watching Raven all night waiting for a chance to get her away from the crew, if they would have seen her she would have been kicked out on sight. So instead she just laid low eyeing the smile that grew on Raven's face as she watched Drake's performance; she couldn't wait to wipe that smile off her face. When she tapped Raven on her shoulder and asked if they could talk, she was surprised that Raven actually jumped at the chance. The two of them were alone in Drake's dressing room with Dollicia overly eager to put an end to their little fairy tale. 

"Actually, no" Raven responded, shocking the both of them. "I think it was meant for me to see you here. I've been wanting to talk to you." Raven walked over to the couch against the wall and took a seat waiting for Dollicia to join her. 

"Is that right?" Her guard went up thinking that Drake had said something before she could.  She slowly made her way over to the sofa and sat down at the other end leaving a huge gap between the two.

Raven was laughing on the inside seeing Dollicia eye her skeptically, but she couldn't blame her. Nothing good ever came out of the two of them being alone. "Dollicia, we're two grown women and we should be able to behave as such whenever we see each other. I don't hate you... at least I don't any longer." Raven confessed. Never in a million years did she think she would be saying those words to the woman sitting next to her, but things change and people grow.

It was Dollicia's turn to laugh now, but instead of keeping it inside, she let it out. "And you're telling me this because?" She asked with a hint of sarcasm raising a perfectly arched brow at Raven.

'Be nice Raven' she chanted over and over again in her head as her fingers dug into the leather couch. Keeping her composure, Raven just smiled gracefully knowing that would get under her skin better than any snappy remark could. "I guess you can say I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm about to be a mother and I don't have the time nor the energy to hold a grudge against you. If I can forgive Drew, I can forgive you too. I'm not asking to be friends or anything, because we never were, but I want you to know that I don't have any I'll will towards you and I wish you nothing but the best in your future." She spilled out in her best sincere effort.

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