Guy Sensei

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"Alright, that's enough, Lee!"

Lee somersaulted through mid air away from Sasuke and Mashi spotted Sasuke's limp limbs, almost as if he were in shock.

Sakura gasped and Mashi watched Sakura shoot past her, throwing her arms out and skidding across the floor as she caught Sasuke, Mashi blinking with surprise, hurrying over.

"Are you alright, Sasuke?"

She and Sakura exchanged worried looks, seeing him blankly staring at Lee.

"You were watching us the whole time?" Lee as a talking tortoise that had appeared.

"Of course! That last technique is forbidden, you know that!" The tortoise reprimanded him.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to..." Lee apologized.

His head looked as if it lifted a bit, but he suddenly jumped up, wildly waving his hands.

"I was not planning to use a forbidden jutsu! It's just I-I was in the middle of a fight and...and you understand" Lee began stating his excuse.

"I'm right! It really is his Sensei!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Hm?" Mashi and Sasuke both said, blinking with confused eyes.

"Hey, guys!" Naruto ran over to them.

"That's a turtle right?" He asked.

"Obviously! What did you think it was?" Sakura snapped at the idiotic question.

"Okay then, maybe it means turtles can be Sensei's too" he suggested.

"How would I know if they could be Sensei too!" She argued.

"You are a disgrace!" The turtle harshly said. "You think you'll get away with a bunch of lame excuses like that? A shinobi never reveals his techniques unless it's absolutely necessary! It's such a basic rule, you should know it by now!" The turtle continued his ears.

"Forgive me, sir" Lee once again apologized.

Sasuke stood up and glared harshly at Lee's back.

"Are you prepared to take the punishment for your actions?" The turtle asked.

"I...Yes, sir" Lee nodded.

"Alright then. Please come out, Guy Sensei" The turtle said.

A man appeared on top of the turtle, wearing the same outfit as Lee was.

"Hey, what's shaking? How are you doing everybody? Life treating you good?"

Mashi turned, clapping a hand over her mouth as her friends shrieked with surprise.

"He's got the biggest eyebrows yet! They're almost alive!" Naruto exclaimed and Mashi suppressed her snickers.

She couldn't help it. She wasn't trying to be mean, but...that pose and she could admit that the eyebrows were funny too.

"So that's where Lee gets it from. The same bowl haircut and even bushier eyebrows" Naruto stated and Lee spun around, looking upset. "Don't you dare make fun of Guy Sensei! He is one of the greatest men in the entire world!" He yelled.

"Well sorry I didn't notice his greatness! I was too busy watching him crawl out from under a turtle!" Naruto fired back.

"He did not crawl out!"

"Give it a rest, Lee" Guy laughed.

"Yes, sir..."

"Now for your punishment," Guy Sensei said, swinging his fist and punching Lee in the face, "you little fool!"

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