chapter two

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"o- oh.. i'm sorry, i thought I was going to be sitting alone.." I stammered while trying to stand up with my computer on my lap. "I just get nervous sitting on the aisle seat." I continued, feeling flustered by the beautiful man in front of me.

He gave me a sweet smirk, and just responded, "It's all good, love. you can stay there, but I'll have to admit.." he says while sitting to my left. "I also get a bit nervous so I may have to peak around you"

I smiled and nodded, captivated by his dimples and beautiful eyes.

"I'm Harry, what's your name?" he asked me. It slightly caught me off guard, because I didn't think that he would want to continue the conversation.

"My name is Oakland, Oakland Pierce," I responded. I wouldn't mind having someone to talk to since this plane ride is about 3 hours long.

"Oakland, like the city?" he asked. It warmed me to think that he was intrigued by me at all.

"yea" i let out a soft laugh, "I was named after the city that my parents met in, out in California, across the bay from San Francisco" I rambled on.

He nodded and proved that he was interested, instead of just trailing off. "Well, that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Harry said with a soft smile, showing off his dimples.

I just smirked while looking down at my lap, fiddling with my thumbs, unknown how to respond. I just suppressed a quiet "thank you" under my breath. I felt his eyes on me for another 10 seconds, and then he reached into his carry-on backpack to grab his computer.

I reopened my computer and pulled up netflix again, but choosing to stray away from American Horror Story, since it is a tad too vulgar to watch when sitting next to someone. I just clicked on the first mindless teen romance movie I saw.

"what are you watching?" He asked, looking at my macbook screen.

"oh, it's some random movie called After. My sister and I like to hate-watch teen romance movies, since we know that it isn't really like that in real life." I responded, letting out an awkward laugh.

"Hmm... never heard of it, but I like that term.. 'Hate-watching'. I might have to coin that." He stifled out a chuckle at my silly use of words. "You seem very goofy," he said.

I don't really know how to respond to that, because I am quite the goofball, but I don't want him to think that I am weird. "Yea, haha I get that a lot." I said softly, with insecurity flowing through my words. I get stressed easily over what other people think of me, so I try to come across as a normal, perfect person.

He let out what sounded like a forced, breathy, laugh and went back to typing on his computer. I felt some sort of defeat, even though I know I will never see this man again. The plane starts to take off, so I go back to my screen, to distract myself. Subconsciously, I tap my foot, and click my nail on the edge of my laptop.

Harry puts his hand over mine, simultaneously reaching around me to open the window. "Relax," he said softly, seeming to calm me down. "Don't worry about it, everything's going to be fine" he said in his captivating british accent.

I wouldn't usually think too deeply over what a stranger I'd just met had said to me, but for some reason that instantly calmed me down. "Yeah, you're right." I said and let out a relieved sigh.

As the plane pulled off, we trailed off doing things on our own. I soon pulled up my dance highlight video, because watching myself dance is quite therapeutic. I took a quick glance at his computer screen as he put in his headphones. He seemed to have some sort of music editing website pulled up, and that quickly caught my interest. I slightly want to ask him more about himself, and if he is into making music, since I connect to music on a deep level, but I put that thought in the back of my mind, since I don't have the courage to do that as of right now.

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