The Warrior and the King

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An Asgardian warrior slowly approached King Odin as he stood next to his throne, his back turned to the warrior. He looked upon the ruins of the throne, the golden stones destroyed and out of place. There was also a great many other ruins among the wreckage about the room; pillars on their sides, stones and rubble all about the floor, there were a great many bodies stacked upon one another but to leave the dead was not an acceptable option, they were all taken away. Dark Elves burned whilst the brave Asgardian fighters who died in battle were given a proper ascendance to Valhalla.

"Forgive me, my Liege..." said the young warrior as he watched his distraught King gaze at what was left. The King did not attempt to show any sign of hearing him. "I've returned from the dark world with news." the warrior continued. With this, the All-Father slightly turned his head so you could just see the left of his face that was aged by his years, war, and the great burden of being a King. But now it also was covered in pain at the loss of his wife and betrayal of his son.

"Thor?" he asked in a rough voice. "There is no sign of Thor." the warrior immediately responded. "Or the weapon, but..." he hesitated as he took a step closer to Odin. The King turned fully to look upon the warrior with his one, blue eye and watched him carefully. "What?" he asked, now curious of what he had to say. The warrior took a few steps closer without breaking the gaze of his King, took a deep breath and said, "...we found a body." The King broke the gaze and looked down upon the floor, as did the warrior. Odin looked back onto him and said in a tired voice, "Loki." The warrior, still looking down, gave a small smirk and then looked back up to the King.

"Would you mourn for him?" he asked. Odin turned his back onto the warrior and did not speak for sometime.

"No." he finally said. "There is no time for mourning, and there never will be. Not for Loki." they both stood still for a time but then the King spoke up. "You are dismissed." but he did not move. Odin knew this for he did not hear him leave. Now angry, the King turned around and yelled, "I said you are dissmi-" the All-Father stopped abruptly when he saw that the messenger was no longer a warrior of Asgard...
...but Loki himself.

The God of Mischief stood there, looking up at Odin with dead eyes yet he had a broad smile on his face. The King stood in shock for a moment as he looked down onto Loki from his perch at the top of the golden steps to the throne. Loki had his hands behind his back and slowly approached Odin, still grinning with his lips but anger in his dangerous eyes.

"You were saying, Father?" Loki spat as he was ascending the steps, his smile was reduced to a straight face. Now Loki was at the same level as Odin. "You are not my son." Odin replied angrily at Loki. "I know." was the last thing he said before he retrieved his knife and effortlessly pierced Odin's armor to drive the blade in between his ribs. Warm blood trickled down Loki's wrist as he smiled again and threw Odin down onto the steps and watched his body almost lifelessly roll down to the floor. When Odin reached the bottom, he stopped and weakly looked up at Loki. He was now gracefully descending the steps and stopped over him, they made eye contact and kept the gaze for a few moments before the God of mischief knelt down to look Odin in the eye.

"You are a pathetic excuse for a King. I know what needs to be done and I will be a great King, greater than you ever were." Loki held up the blood stained knife to Odin's fading blue eye, he recognized it. Odin slowly and difficultly choked, "Frigga's blade..." as he struggled between breaths as blood flowed from his mouth and stained his white beard; It was swiftly turning a deep scarlet. "You.. are a monster... Loki." he choked again and coughed up blood. "I am truly liking this, Odin. Watching the light fade from your eyes, you deserve this for what you have done to me, you turned me into the monster." with that comment, Odin spat in his face. Now there were spots of blood covering Loki's pale face as his smile quickly faded from it. Loki gritted his teeth and held high the blade of his Mother to kill the man he once called Father.

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