Y/n and stand info

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===> y/n info

Name:y/n l/n


Gender: I'm gonna try and keep it gender neutral by using they or them but please forgive me if I accidentally use she or he

Nationality: Japanese and (your nationality)

Sexuality: bisexual and acesexual (though I probably won't bring it up much since this is a mainly platonic story)

Personality:You a usually a very cold and stoic person at first glance but you actually very kind and somewhat nerdy under the surface. Your stoic due to being shy and bashful when your around new people (which doesn't make your whole simp situation any better) but once people get to know you your true colours show. Like stated before your extremely caring towards other people and you usually put other's needs before your own, you also usually very levelheaded in most situations even if their dangerous and your very passionate about your interests

Hair:h/c and h/l with small golden stars littering your hair


Wears: (whatever you want but you'll mostly be wearing what the jojos wear)

Likes:reading, writing, your dad, your uncles, video games, drawing, anime, rock or pop music, singing in private, memes and whatever else you like

More info about you (aka backstory): your dad is one of DIO's many kids and like them he had a bad childhood but risen out of his bad living conditions (though you don't know what he actually does for work) . He eventually met your mom and had you after a one night stand with her, she didn't want you so he took you in. He's an extremely good father and can see past your cold and stoic demeanour (basically holly but genderbent). Because of your dad's wealth you grew up in a good environment until you were sent to school and people noticed your beautiful but cold demeanour that made them scared but also entranced by you. Because of this no one made an effort to befriend you but instead admire you and your shyness prevented you from talking to people until you finally found a group of friends that are now trying to have you overcome your shyness not knowing you would soon be sent on a bizarre adventure.

Small facts: you live in Japan but specifically in Tokyo, you've only met 2 of your supposed relatives but this was before you gained your stand meaning you can't use their powers, you have two uncles of sorts but they aren't blood related (who are also from a game series I like but I'm gonna keep hush for now), you're extremely good at singing and dancing but to shy to preform, your dad was born in 1983 (right after dio was awakened aiaiaiai) and had you in 2002 when he was 19, you were 10 when stone ocean happened so you vaguely remember it and you sometimes see weird dreams of people with the same star birthmark as you.

===>stand info

Name: starboy

Appearance:starboy appears as a somewhat humanoid stand with the lower body of a spider and the upper body of a person. Their spider body is made of shimmering star dust and its upper body looks as if it's made of the night sky. It has no face except for multiple glowing slits for eyes and it has a loincloth.

 It has no face except for multiple glowing slits for eyes and it has a loincloth

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(My shitty drawing of starboy)

Personality: starboy is able to talk but prefers not to since it doesn't want to reveal anything important.


In your eyes: this ability allows starboy to let its user use the abilities of anyone in the users bloodline. The only downside to this is that for the user to use this ability they have to have met that person in their bloodline. When using this they appear in the clothing of who they are imitating and also can things summon important to them for example Jonathan and the sword of pluck. This ability also lets starboy to copy the abilities of that person's stand (if they have one)

Blinding lights: blinding lights lets starboy open a small pocket dimension that houses multiple rooms dedicated to people in their bloodline. Each room is decorated in objects and things that the person liked along with a biography of them. One area of this place is closed off and In one of these rooms is a stained glass window that has starboy's user in the middle with their sides empty (this will change though when they met and bond with their family).

I feel it coming: it's unknown but is has something to do with the golden threads of string starboy occasionally makes

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