the calm before the storm - chapter 28

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The Lycée

Two of the young harvest girls sat with each other at the greenhouse. Davina had set up all manner of witch ingredients on the table in front of them; from salts to flowers. The other girl, Abigail watched intently. 'I don't know if the ancestors would like us messing around in the spirit world.' She spoke to Davina sounding worried.

'It's just a simple seánce.' Davina smiled at her in confidence. Even though the ancestors had punished her immensely in her death for her association with vampires, she had grown in confidence since her return. Monique Deveraux dig through some shelves as she made a sly comment and rushed out.
'Phony witches do seánces to impress tourists. They're not real!'

'What's that for?' Abigail questioned Davina when she set down a violin in the witches circle. 'It's my friend Tim's. Come on! What's the point of being a witch if we can't use our magic for stuff like this?'

Abigail smiled in agreement, realising that Davina knew what she was doing and the girls began to chant.

Elikopte fantomes soliter mouri, vous reveler...

A gust of wind came and started to circle them as Davina cut her palm to complete the spell. A few drops of blood dripped onto the violin and suddenly all the candles in the Lycée blew out, scaring the teenagers.


The song Tim had played for Davina the night at the church echoed around the Lycée as a wind chime caught on and started playing it too. Davina felt a hand caress her shoulder but she didn't think to confirm who it was. The hand possessed a lapis lazuli daylight ring. The girl turned around smiling but her face dropped when she saw a stranger.

'What a delightful tune.' There stood Mikael, The Vampire who hunts Vampires.

The Mikaelson Compound.

'That's all there is to love' by Donald Bird sent a relaxing aura throughout the Compound that evening. The Mikaelsons were fortunate enough to live where a street band situated itself everyday and night and Astrid definitely wasn't complaining. The Hybrid had always been in love with jazz.

She walked into her shared bedroom and smiled when she noticed Klaus sitting on the bed with a leather sketchbook open. 'You having fun there, love?'

'Mhm' he hummed and frowned in concentration. 'Remember how I once said that I draw when I think?' He looked up at her with a pencil on his lips. 'The last time you said that, Nik you were plotting murder' She laughed as she spoke, raising her eyebrows and blubbering. 'Yes well, I've been thinking' Klaus smirked at her.

'God, don't hurt yourself' Astrid teased as she hung up her shirt and got a grey vest out of the draw.

'You do me an injustice sometimes, you know that?' He put his sketchbook down on the bed and threw his arms out dramatically, looking at her with wide eyes. Slipping the vest on, she shook her head, 'I know, love. What you been thinking about?'

'Mikael. I think there's a witch that might know what's going on'

'Then bloody call her!'

Astrid carried on unwinding for the night as he did so, going into the bathroom. She listened in after a while to hear Nik being temperamental, 'Bonnie sweetheart I'm going to need specifics.'

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