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Rumor has it that Yongsun and Hyejin are getting married soon. Unfortunately, neither one has been informed of this fact.

It was funny at first.

Well, maybe not chuckle level funny, but it was easy enough to laugh off at first.

Simple jokes about Hyejin being her wife. Off-handed remarks about how nice of a couple they are. A few snickers during conversations about Hyejin everytime she said something that could be interpreted in a much different way.

It was all fun and games.

Helping plan an actual wedding is decidedly not fun and games.

Beyond the party games planned for the reception, of course.

A reception that is not happening because she and Hyejin aren't even dating let alone engaged.

Yongsun would really like to know how the hell that rumor even started. Preferably after the misunderstanding is cleared up because Hyejin does not pay her nearly enough to reimburse someone for a ten tier wedding cake.

Who even needs a ten tier cake? Sure, Yongsun understands the sentiment of one for each year they've known each other, but— No, Wheein was only discussing the possibility of it.

The cake doesn't even exist yet. It won't exist.

She's not going to have a whole debate with herself over a cake that does not exist for a wedding that is not happening.

But on the other hand, would it be so bad if...




She really needs to talk to Hyejin about this mess before any crazy ideas pop into her head.

Hyejin still thinks it's funny.

Which is not how Yongsun expected this visit to go.

"Do you think they'll pay for a wedding dress? I could use another formal dress," she says once her laughter has died down to a manageable degree. "I've had my eye on a few for some time now, but even I couldn't justify spending that much on clothing. But if they'd be willing to buy it for me..."

Yongsun gapes at her. "You can't be serious. How are you— is this not weird to you? A wedding?"

"Yongsun, you all but live in my house these days, we're always having lunch together, and we've known each other for awhile. People are bound to make assumptions."

"But where the hell did a wedding come from? It's not like either of us is wearing a ring."

"I've given up trying to understand them at this point. It's more trouble than it's worth. Save your effort."

This woman across from her... this can't be Hyejin. Surely it has to be an imposter of some sort.

Yongsun narrows her eyes. "What's your second favorite dog breed?"

Hyejin stares at her, uncomprehending. "My second?"

"Yeah, second. First would be too obvious. So, what is it?"

"Alaskan malamute," she says slowly, her eyes narrowing in return at Yongsun. "Why do you need to know?"

Fuck. It's definitely the real Hyejin then. Maybe she's just in a parallel dimension or something.

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