Chapter 45 - Dying Heart

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"I were checking some old pictures, that's where I found your mother standing behind Papa. Can you believe it?" Misha asked with a shine in her eyes.

"With uncle?" Piya asked cautiously, a fear coursing in her veins and clenching her heart.

"Exactly. It was in college, I think. I'll talk to Papa tonight. Who knows our parents were friends just as we are." Misha grinned.

Piya paled at her plans. This wasn't good news. She couldn't let Misha expose her identity to her so called father.

"It doesn't matter, you know. Why to disturb un...uncle?" Piya smile failed under the shaking fear.

Only God knew what might happen if Mr Dobriyal got to know about her mother.

"It does. He can even tell you so many things and who knows what knowledge he holds? And that's why I placed the CD in his study, so even if I forget Papa will find the CD and will surely check it out of curiosity."

Knowledge? Piya wanted to laugh at the prospect. She knew the dark and bitter truth he knew. The truth that was no good. A life story full of tears and betrayal.

And now so many years later when she was trying to put her past in past, if he identified Sugand as her mother... Her body shook with fear as she thought about consequences.

Why the hell did she show her mother's picture to Misha? Why? Piya cursed.

"Why are you standing like statue on such a happy revelation?" Misha narrowed her eyes.

"N... no, just feeling... suffocated in this place. I'll take some fresh air." Piya muttered, horrible ideas morphing disturbing images in her mind.

Barging in the back garden, Piya breathed heavily. Darkness of night depressing her thoughts further. Somewhere her heart had wished for Arnab to know her identity so she could pour out the acid burning her heart. But this truth being disclosed to everyone would bring the unpleasant consequences, she could very well do without.

Arnab Dobriyal will not tell the truth, Piya, calm down, Piya told herself but her heart not finding peace. What if he tells the truth? What if he tries to exercise his right on me? What about Misha and Panchi? What about MY life?

Piya paced in the garden, her hands trembling in anticipation.

Its not your fault Piya let it come in open, let Arnab Dobriyal face his sins, Piya consoled herself, taking deep breathes.

The devastating pictures, however, ingraining in her mind. The colourful flowers taunting her on the black and white life, she would be enduring after revelation.

No, no, I can't let anyone know. Piya fisted a flower in her hand. Her heart racing crazily and her breathing troubled. Arnab could blame her mother, or Misha Panchi would. Her life would become difficult in Dehradun. She couldn't afford this termite in her life. It would eat her alive.

That CD was a disaster. The news will spread anyhow in future if this bomb blasted. The tag of illegitimate would permanently stain her life in this city. There was no option for her but to stop Misha.

How? Piya breathed, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

She had to destroy the CD. But what then? Won't Misha find other ways? Like asking her for picture? Or providing her mother's name to Arnab Dobriyal? And even if Misha kept silent her mother's picture was in their family CD which would result in coming in light in one of family times when Misha would tell others to show the relation.

And Siddharth... Piya breath stopped. How could she forget him. Siddharth had met her in childhood which meant he had the inkling which could jeopardize the situation further. It wasn't like he would sit silent when picture would come in sight.

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