•𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻•

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Tommy's POV, December 14th 1987

Yesterday went alright... me and Nik ate breakfast like I said... then Nikki freaked out once again cause he kept seeing things but exactly like I did in the closet I just held him to me and spoke to him saying it wasn't real.

It took a couple of hours to properly convince Nikki that there was nobody else in the house but I got there eventually- Nikki sobered up a bit after that and resembled the Nikki I'm used too, the laughing, joking, stubborn asshole I fell for.

It was nice to see, I distracted him from shooting up for a good 4 hours or so but of course that didn't last forever and soon enough I had to let him go upstairs to do whatever he was doing- he came back down ten minutes later out of it but not to the point of being hysterical.

He sat back next to me on the couch and fell asleep and I soon found myself following in his footsteps, resting my head ontop of his as I drifted off.

We woke up about mid afternoon and then watched some TV, Nikki then went and shoot up again as I was making dinner, we ate and went instantly back to the couch, Vinnie called at 6pm like usual and we both spoke to him, once the call ended Nik and stayed in our positions on the couch until 9pm, when Nikki said he was tired- so we went upstairs to bed, but not before Nik gave himself another shot of heroin.

He was trying not to take as much I could see that, he didn't want to be completely fucked around me, to protect me which I did appreciate more for Nikki's health than my feelings.

Nik fell asleep first, he practically latched onto me just before he lost consciousness, I then went to sleep about an hour later making sure Nikki was completely asleep before I let my own exhaustion take me.

That leads me to now, having just woken up.

Nikki was still attached to my side and it looks like he hadn't moved all night which was surprising because obviously the other night he was already high when I woke up.

It was nice to have Nikki next to me like this, I always love waking up next to Nikki- we'd crashed in the same bed many times over the years if we were on tour, drunk or just too lazy to head back to our own hotel rooms or houses depending on whether we were on the road or not.

I could always pretend if I woke up before the bassist that we were together, I could always pretend that he loved me... before having that fantasy taken from me when he woke up. I wanted him so badly to have been there the morning after we slept together... it would have been so much easier, I could have talked to him, not that it would have changed much but maybe it would have, I just wanted to have him there  in my bed with the memories of what we'd done being still fresh in my mind, I could have just enjoyed the feeling but no... why would he have stayed? It was stupid of me to think he'd be there when I woke up, so stupid.

I'll never get over my feeling for Nik- even begin next to him right now I was getting feelings in my heart. Fuck, right now I wish I could wake up like this every morning- it's so perfect.

I kinda didn't want Nikki to wake up cause I was in heaven right now, he looked so peaceful... when he wakes up though that's gonna disappear.

I've gotta make the most of being here and having this time with him... I often think about if Nikki got a girlfriend... y'know... like a proper one, not the ones he's used for drugs or sex I mean a proper serious 'I'm gonna marry her' kinda girlfriend... it'll tear me up to see him be in love with someone who isn't me.

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