•𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗗𝗿𝘂𝗴𝘀?•

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A/N: You all probably know this date... so... er... I don't need to explain what's going to be covered here.


Tommy's POV, 23rd December 1987

Over the last week or so I'd been staying with Nikki- not leaving his side for a second, he'd been better, he'd told me about his mixing of smack and cocaine and smack and crack cocaine, I'd helped him slow down on the mixing so now he's pretty much only on smack, it was an improvement, it'll do until we get to rehab next year.

Since staying with Nik we've been everywhere together, spending every waking second together, I hadn't left him alone for more than half an hour and that's only when he or I showered.

I'd only left him alone for today, he said Slash was gonna pick him up and that they're gonna hang for the day. I was surprised Nikki wanted to leave the house but it's a good thing I guess.... so with Nik gone for the day I thought I'd pop home until tonight to tidy and clean the house and gather some clothes seems as I've had to borrow some of Nikki's clothes the last few days.

So when Slash turned up at 12:30pm I bid Nikki goodbye and said I'd see him later on tonight, he did the same back and he went off with the guitarist while I got into my car and headed home, instantly running upstairs and packing some clothes- this only took about half an hour which given how picky I am about choosing clothes was a good time.

I take the bag of clothes down and go outside to the car and throwing the bag inside the car so I don't have to worry about it later, knowing me I'd forget out it so it's safer for me to do it now, after I'd locked my car back up I went back inside going straight into the kitchen, switching on the radio and making myself a coffee and a sandwich cause like always I'm hungry- there wasn't much else for me to do for the day so I sit and watch TV for a few hours, take a shower put on fresh clothes that kinda shit, I settle back on the couch until 6:00pm.

It's now I decide to make some dinner, sounds easy but seems as I haven't been here for a week all of the food which was fresh then wasn't now... I spent about 10 minutes clearing out old food- looks like I'll be eating something frozen... when I go back to Nik's tonight I'll tell him we need to go grocery shopping tomorrow or something cause damn, I miss fresh food.

No, we still hadn't actually gone out shopping in that entire week, we kept procrastinating. Oops.

I scavenge my freezer for something which is relatively easy to defrost and won't take twenty years, I found a box of dinosaur chicken nuggets- because yes, I was a five year old in a 25 year olds body- and I'd also found some fries, that's dinner sorted then- I opened the box and tipped the nuggets onto a baking tray and poured out some fries, turning on the oven and shoving the tray rather carelessly in the oven.

For the next 20 or so minutes I hung around the kitchen waiting for dinner to cook, to pass time I did clean the area a bit and turn the radio on beginning to sing along with the songs, it did the job I wanted and made the time pass quicker, although, it won't be something I want for much longer... I'd want time to slow down.

At 6:30, I sat down and ate watching MTV enjoying the music and videos- MTV was like the only thing I watched, especially when they have their rock slots on like right now, it's nice to hear the new shit along with the familiar old songs, I'm so glad MTV's a thing- gotta give thanks to Michael Jackson for that when he revived it back in '83.

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