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Nikki's POV, November 28th 1986

My feet carried me back into the masses of people inside the house, my eyes scanning the rooms- I check the kitchen and the hallways- I went into the living room and once again scanned every face for the man I was looking for.

Usually, I can find Tom no problem- we never leave each other's sides at party's, this one was a little different. But, he had to be in here, it was the main room of the house- Tom always stays in the main life of the party, it matches his personality, wild, loud, fun.

Luckily, for the sake of my sanity eventually- I spot him after only about a minute, Tommy was sat on a couch with over half of Guns N' Roses the members being Steven Adler, Slash and Duff McKagan, the four of them were congregated just away from the corner of the room, laughing and joking.

Guns were a band we'd met a few months ago, we heard about them through a friend who'd gone to see them and said they were pretty rad- so, we checked them out- I hit it off with Slash (we mostly related over drugs but we had a lot of musical stuff in common too), Tommy hit it off with Steven Adler, aswell as chatting with Axl, Vince and Mick then began talking with Izzy Stradlin and Duff McKagan.

Axl and Vince instantly hated each other- the battle of the front men I guess, so they kept out of one another's way, Axl hasn't been invited, Izzy had been invited but god knows where he is and right now I don't really care, he isn't a priority of mine.

"T-Bone, we need to talk, now." I growl when I'm close enough to the where the men were sitting, grabbing him roughly not even looking at the confused faces of Duff, Slash and Steven as I pull him up and begin dragging him upstairs, pushing him once we're up there into Vince's bedroom which was surprisingly empty of people, I slammed the door and instantly began yelling at the drummer "How fucking dare you those two assholes we slept together! You had no fucking right! It's none of their business!"

Tommy's face went from incredibly puzzled to almost nervous before settling on the same emotion as me, anger "What else was I supposed to do, Nikki? You've ignored me for the past two weeks! I didn't know what else to do, I had to tell them- they knew something had happened and what would lying to them have done?!" He yelled back.

"Lying would have stopped them thinking that I'm fucking gay!"

Tommy scoffed taking a step toward me "Are you really trying to tell me what we did wasn't gay?! What the fuck was it then Nik? A friendly gesture! We fucked each other so what?! You might regret it now but at the time you had no problem with what I was doing to you- it was your idea to leave that bar! You made the decision to kiss me back, you chose to have sex with me Nikki! That's why I don't understand why you acting like such a dick, you could have stopped me but you didn't! Say what you want but it must have meant something to you cause it sure sounded like you enjoyed having my dick buried inside you!" He snarked staring at me.

"It was sex Tommy, what do you expect? But that night meant nothing to me, nothing at all. Yeah, we fucked but that's it. We were drunk and horny, it was convenience"

"Convenience? Yeah, I've thought about that... I've thought a lot since that night as to why we had a night of passionate sex then why you ignore my entire existence and let me tell you, that's bullshit! If you were after convenient sex you would have fucked a chick, you didn't. You. Fucked. Me."

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