•𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝗔𝘀 𝗔 𝗞𝗶𝘁𝗲•

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Nikki's POV, June 14th 1987

I was completely and totally fucked.

I don't know why I did but I took way more drugs than I should have, this morning when I woke up at 7am I snorted 3 lines of cocaine, had my usual shot of heroin then at 9am I had another shot of heroin but it was a mix of heroin and crack... so yeah, to put it mildly I'm high as a kite right now.

I can hardly stand, hardly fucking speak- I was gonna drive to the band meeting but I got to the front door and knew I'd end up dead if I attempted to drive so I picked up the phone which took way more brain power than it should have done and called a taxi to take me to the studio where the meeting was being held.

I'm surprised that the woman on the end of the phone could understand what I was saying but she did and then five minutes later a cab pulled up on my driveway, I stumble my way out the house not bothering to lock my front door before making my way over to the car and got inside- the driver relays the address I'd given over the phone back to me and I nodded unable to speak in fears I might throw up, that's what I felt like doing that's for sure.

Throughout the entire ride I was fighting myself not only to not vomit but to even stay conscious, I shouldn't be going to this meeting in this state but we were due to go on tour in a matter of weeks and I needed to know what was going on.

Due to my mind doing two things at once it passed the time relatively quickly and before I knew it I was outside the studio, I pulled out some money from my pocket and handed it to the driver making my way out of the taxi clambering my way very inelegantly to the door and inside the studio, I walk down the corridor the bright lights on the ceiling making my fluctuating nausea come back in a heartbeat.

Soon, I made it to the main studio and heard Vince talking- I enter the room and greet everyone with a simple "Hey" which was a bad idea, it made my nausea even worse. Fun fucking times.

Everyone looked at me Doc looked pissed off, Doug looked frustrated but also had concern in his eyes- Mick, Vince and Tommy looked plain worried at my state.

"Nikki, you okay?" Doug wondered.

Vince then spoke up which I was thankful for cause I was a second away right now from projectile vomiting if I opened my mouth "The fuck kinda question is that? Does he look fucking okay to you?" Doug let out a breathe and held up his hands briefly to which Vince nodded and stood up and placed himself in front of me "Sixx? Everything alright?"

The second Vince finished talking I just couldn't stop the need to vomit which hit me, it hit me so fucking hard I went dizzy. I was gonna throw up, there was no preventing it. I needed to get to a restroom now.

Unsteadily and hastily I turn around and ran back through the door I'd just entered from and spotted the nearest restroom, I b-lined straight over in the direction of the door pushing it open slamming it against the wall barely making it to the floor and over a toilet before I was bringing up whatever I had in my stomach.

A few minutes after my body was rejecting the concoction of smack and cocaine currently inside my body I hear the door open and footsteps drawing closer to me, my first guess was Vince but no, it wasn't Vince.

The familiar scent of Tommy's aftershave reached my nose making my tense body instantly relax "What are you on, Nik?" Tommy sighed softly as he knelt down next to me gently placing a hand on my back.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗳 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 🤍 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora