Thor and Regina were in a room on the ship. They looked in the mirror, looking Thor's eyepatch.

"It looks good on you", Regina said. Loki was in the mirror. They turned around to see him standing at the doorway.

"It suits you", Loki said.

"Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother", Thor said.

"Maybe not".

"Thank you. If you were here, I might even give you a hug", Thor said. He threw a small object at Loki. Loki caught it.

"I'm here", Loki said. Regina walked towards him. She wrapped her arms around him.

Peyton came into the room. She smiled at Regina and Loki. Thor looks at her. Peyton waves at him. Thor waved back.


Bella, Lavinia, Heimdall, Regina, Valkyrie, Korg, Miek and Loki stood next to the new Asgardian throne. Thor walked towards the throne.

"Your throne", Valkyrie said. He sat down on the throne.

"So King of Asgard. Where to?"Heimdall asks.

"I'm not sure. Any suggestions?" Thor asks. He looks at everyone. "Miek, where are you from?"

"Oh, Miek's dead", Korg says.

Bella looked at him sadly. Loki puts a hand on her shoulder. "Miek is gone?"Bella asked.

"Yeah, no, I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge. I've just felt so guilty, I've been carrying him all day",Korg explains. Bella walked towards him. Korg puts Miek in Bella's arm.

"Oh Miek. Miek", Bella said sadly. Bella holds him close to her. Miek wakes up. Bella gasped. "Miek!" Bella kisses Miek's head multiple times.

"Miek you're alive. He's alive, guys. What was your question again, bro?"

"Earth it is", Thor says.


Thor, Loki, Peyton and Regina looked out a window. "So...mother and father are dead", Regina says. Thor nodded sadly. "Well, I guess that makes us officially orphans".

Regina grabbed Thor and Loki's hand. "Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to earth?" Loki asked.

"Yes, of course. The people of earth love me. I'm very popular", Thor said.

"I don't think that's what he meant",Peyton said.

"How do you not get that? He means is it a good idea to bring him back to earth", Regina said.

"Remember, he's on that watchlist so probably not. But everything will work out", Peyton said. The Odinsons (Meaning Thor, Loki and Regina) gave her a look. "Everything will be alright".

"No", Bella says as she walks into the room. Lavinia followed with the crying baby in her arms. "Would you please get that thing away from me? I can't think!"

"You're making him cry even more",Lavinia argued.

"Then leave him with his father", Bella said.

"Bella", Loki said. Bella looks at him. "What's wrong?"

"My magic, it's going wild. All this ringing in my ears are giving me a headache. Something's coming. I don't like it. It's powerful", Bella says. Her eyes were a purple color.

Bella looks at the window and walks toward it. Everyone else followed her gave.

Outside, there was a ship, larger than theirs.

"Half of the people will die...along with two others", Bella said.

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