24 My Everything

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This chapter was requested by Willowvee hope you enjoy.

Hey Varian, I would make the note, but I feel like it would mean more to them coming from you. Go on

Gladly, hey sweetheart, I love everyone here, and if you feel like you're not worth it, you are. You are loved and you are appreciated. Treat your body with kindness and if you won't hype it up, then I will 😁

-A Note from the both of us

A date. You were going on a date.


You got up happy for the first time in forever and was automatically faced with a mirror. Your expression fell as you examined your body. You exhaled, your breath shaking and turned away, you couldn't stand it.

Why were you like this?

You went to the bathroom and got out a hairbrush.


You hadn't done this in almost a month, this was going to suck. You got your conditioner and washed your hair in the sink, that would make it easier for you to actually do it, you were actually doing it.

This boy actually gave you motivation without even trying. Look how much he's done, encouraged you to do your hair, get out of bed.


You flinched a little, brushing out your hair. It was tangled, super tangled. (I swear to god if you make jokes about the word tangled-)

You had managed to do your hair and style it. That was something.

You walked back into your room and no matter how much you hated that damn mirror, you couldn't look away. You ran your fingers across your stomach. Your breath still shook as you ran your fingers on your arms, getting worse.

You took an oversized outfit, you had to. There wasn't any other way you'd feel comfortable on that date. This...box your mind kept you in was tight and uncomfortable. That's how it always was.

You put on a long sleeve shirt on to cover the scars, the scars you hated so much. The scars that reminded you every day that you were at war with yourself.

You then layered it with a oversized hoodie and put on oversized pants. You looked...decent now. Thank god you had thrown that weight measurer away, or else you'd probably decline the date all together.

You put on your shoes and went down to the kitchen. You looked at the cereal places on top of the refrigerator.

The mirror.

You shook your head, only taking a bottle of water out of the fridge. You drank it, hoping it would quench your hunger for most of the day. You heard a knock on the door.

He was here already?

"Coming!" You shouted, quickly putting on your water bottle on the counter. You unlocked the door and there stood your dorky date Varian. He was wearing a beanie and a plaid shirt with black jeans and brown shoes. He reached in and hugged you, picking you up. "Love the My Hero sweatshirt Lovely," he said putting you down.

That was his nickname for you, you loved it. "Yeah, gotta stay comfy, you know me!" You lied, concealing your nervousness pretty well. You rubbed your neck, staring at him for a spilt second. "Oh!" You snapped back into reality, "I'm almost ready, I just have to get my purse. Stay here I'll be right back."

You got your purse rather quickly since you put it in the same place every day. You ran back to the front of the house, skipping out the door. "You Ready to go?" "Yep," the boy replied putting your hand in his. Your sleeve rose a bit, revealing only some of your scars.

Your eyes widened and you pulled away softly before he could notice. You adjusted your sleeve. "Oh...not ready for handholding? That's totally fine," Varian smiled sweetly at you before intertwining both his hands together.

You sat in the restaurant making small talk when the waiter came up to you. Varian ordered a burger with fries and a milkshake while you just ordered a salad and water.

He placed his hand on your's giving a "Huh?" look. "I'm paying for this you know, you can order whatever you want." You nodded, "I'm just not that hungry."

You lied to your love.

The food came and you looked at Varian's meal. Your stomach grumbled staring unintentionally. You had finished your salad in like 3 minutes and you were still hungry.

You needed to eat. Pronto.

Varian looked at the food then at you. He could tell something was up. "Here," he said splitting the burger in half, "eat Y/n." "N-no, I can't, it's yours." He continued holding out the half burger, "I can tell that you're hungry. You can eat around me, please."

You looked up at the boy who clearly wouldn't let this go, then at the burger. You hesitantly took it and took a bite out of it. It was really good, especially since you haven't ate a full meal in several weeks. This would be a pain to throw back up.

Varian exhaled in relief, he was glad that you were eating. It's the small things.

You finished, practically inhaling the burger (same here) and washed it down with water. The boy shared the fries with you, but you stopped eating feeling sick. Was this a mistake? Why did you eat that? Now you were nauseous. Varian caught on almost as soon as you felt yourself getting sicker.

"Are you okay?" His eyes widened when you didn't respond, "Let's get you out of here." He didn't wait for the check, he left the money on the table for the waiter to see when he came back. Varian picked you up Lumity style, you closed your eyes shut. You embarrassed yourself in front of everyone and most of all, your date.

"It's going to be alright," he said, looking down at you in your horrible state.

You rushed into your house quickly running into the bathroom. You rested your arms on the toilet bowl as you regurgitated the food. You felt so embarrassed, but Varian only pulled your hair back gently out your face and tied it up loose.

He went into the kitchen to get you water. The odd thing is, he didn't see any foods that you needed for a healthy diet. You only had water, vegetables, and fruits. Realization kicked in. "Oh no Y/n," he whispered softly. He got a water bottle and ran right back into the bathroom. He rubbed your back humming, "It's okay, it's okay, you'll be okay."

After you were done, you drank the water and Varian led you back to your room. With your permission, he helped you change into comfortable pajamas. In that process he saw them, the scars you hated with all of your heart. He gasped softly, laying down in the bed with you.

"You feeling any better?" He asked quietly. You nodded, "Yeah, I just don't have the energy to get up." He turned to face you, "I see what's going on, you can tell me anything you know that right?" You curled yourself up in a ball with the minimum strength you had.

He tilted his head and cuddled close to you. "I love you, like a lot. More than you can mentally and physically comprehend, this isn't healthy. I don't want to lose you Y/n, I don't. You're beautiful, every scar, every curve, everything." You wrapped your legs around him burying your face into his chest while he stroked your hair.

"If you want to lose weight or look a certain way, I support you 100%, but you have to do it the healthy way. I know it's hard and that's why I'm here to help you. We have to make sure it's a healthy amount of weight you're losing too."

He didn't quite point out your scars, it was a sensitive topic. Instead, he raised your wrist up to his lips and kissed them.

Your eyes filled up with tears.

"You're my everything."

A/n: ngl, I was in my feels since this hit close to home.

Remember you are loved!

Until next time

-Clementine And Varian!

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